Webhost 4Life negative review #10356 by Daverising (daveshinkle@y...)

Webhost 4Life got a negative review on
Webhost 4Life
10 Corporate Drive, Suite #300
Burlington , CA 91754
☎ Phone +1 888 306 3780

webhost4life.com is inactive, but is redirected to web.com
Customer review #10356
Daverising ( daveshinkle@y... )
Time Hosted over 3 years
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
I have been using webhost4life for four years. They were great back then. However, I think they have new owners. Two days ago they moved me to their 'new platform' however, they cloned my database from a month ago. Luckily I have nightly backups on my ftp site and was able to download the data locally. When I asked them to please restore the correct database they ignored me and then pressured me to pay $30 for premium support, which I finally did because I needed this done badly. They still never did it and I spent all night scripting the data and moving it back up by hand.

Then last night my database went down. It still is not up over 10 hours later. All the support people tell me is that they are 'tier 1 support' and that the task is being fixed by 'tier 3 support'. Nothing happens though.

I signed up with DiscountAsp.net last night at 3 am and my site is now operational with them. Luckily I only have one customer and can just give them the new domain name.

Avoid the new 'webhost4life' like the plague!

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