Vps.net negative review #17578 by Deke (deke@c...) on Aug 2011

Vps.net got a negative review on
517 W. 100 N. Suite #225
Providence , UT 84332
☎ Phone 877-829-2788
Customer review #17578
Deke ( deke@c... )
Time Hosted 1 to 2 years
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
vps.net should be avoided

I am posting this bad review because I am sick and tired of VPS.net poor service both server outages without explaination, and terrible customer service. Today I reported an outage on my main hosting VPS server with 60 customer accounts. It was ignored for 4 hours. After repeated followups on my part, they finally responded with..."we are looking into it". 3 hours later, my system was finally back online. I was told that the file system was corrupted, but I knew for a fact that that was a lie. Their DNS server was failing, offline, or fire-walling requests. It took simple tests to see that the requests stopped dead at their DNS server. It was not the file system. I requested a complete trouble report so I can document exactly why my service was interrupted for 7 hours on a business day during business hours. They told me I have to pay $10 for that. So they can go scratch.

So I am moving to a new VPS. Its a big pain, but VPS.net is a horrible company. The don't even have a phone # you can call. What kind of company has no phone? A BS company, that's who. There are cheaper hosts with better options, and real live people I can talk to. I am not endorsing anyone in this rant, so don't ask. Just avoid VPS.net at all costs.

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