Aztus Sectigo EV SSL, CAD 179.00/yr. on SSL Certificates

Sectigo EV SSL has been updated on (added ), Aggregate Rating (2.3 out of 10 from 3 reviews)
2700 rue Michelin
Laval , QC h7l 5y1
☎ Phone 514-904-1418
📠 Fax 514.373.1948
  • 💡 Plan Name: Sectigo EV SSL (sku #p122353)
  • 🔧 Category: SSL Certificates
  • 💰 Price:CAD 179.00/yr.
  • 💿 Disk Space: -
  • 📶 Traffic bandwidth: -
  • 💲 Setup Fee: free
🔐 Domains protected :1
💳 Payment Methods :Credit / Debit / Prepaid CardsPayPal
🔨 Control Panel :Plesk
🔧 Category :BackupWordpress
✍️ Support Options :EmailHelp DeskPhone / Toll-Free
screenshot of Sectigo EV SSL from

See also initial Sectigo EV SSL plan location on their website!

*📜 Plan description

Website indexed by Google
Access to an intranet
Domain verification

Enhanced Validation (EV) SSL certificates trigger the green bar of high security web browsers. They allow up to 256-bit encryption and full organization identification.

EV Enhanced Validation certifications include:

Signs included with a Sectigo Positive SSL
The display of the address of your site in green in the browser (example below)
Get an SSL certificate and earn your customers' trust with the clearest symbol of security.

Secure Your Website with SSL

Protect confidential information and meet Google's security standards.

Choose the Right SSL Certificate:

Sectigo Positive SSL or Wildcard SSL: Affordable options for basic website security.
Extended Validation (EV) Certificate: Ideal for processing credit card transactions and building trust with visitors.
Why SSL Matters:

Data Encryption: Protects sensitive information from unauthorized access.
Trust and Credibility: Inspires confidence in your website visitors.
SEO Benefits: Improves search engine rankings.
Compliance: Meets industry regulations and standards.
Secure Your Website Today

Choose the SSL certificate that best suits your needs and protect your online presence.

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