Media 7.5 su 10
Recensioni totali: 6
Raccomandato da: 5
Contrario: 1
Risposte ufficiali: 0


❗ Our Internet revisione

6 recensioni degli utenti; 0 risposte di supporto; 0 testimonianze; 6 prodotti, 0 promozioni, 2 conti sociali, Alexa #0; 📆 elencato 2005 (#1727)
Our Internet
301 Farmington Dr
Plantation , FL 33317
☎ Telefono (800) 661-9651

Lingua (e) del sito Web: en
🏆 SemRush Rating nuovo 17205754 👤 Voto dell'utente 🙌 Media 7.5 su 10
👉 Recensioni totali: 6
👍 Raccomandato da: 5
👎 Contrario: 1
🤝 Risposte ufficiali: 0

💰 Fascia di prezzo $ 3,95 - $ 49,95⏰ Supporto 24x7
🏆 SEO MOZ Authority 22/45🔗 Link 5063
Stato di completamento del profilo:
Cose fatte
Le descrizioni dell'azienda vanno bene
La posizione dell'indirizzo dell'azienda è completa
Telefono / fax aziendale aggiunto
Vengono aggiunti gli account Twitter e Facebook dell'azienda
Vengono aggiunti prodotti (piani), ma alcuni non vengono aggiornati da oltre 2 anni
Nota: aggiungi una promozione o un coupon

Cose da fare
Mancano gli URL "Informazioni sulla pagina" o "Pagina contatti"
Manca l'URL del forum, del blog / degli annunci, della knowledge base o delle FAQ
ourinternet.us logo

📄 Panoramica

🔧 Servizi: Web hostingRegistrazione del dominio

📜 Di Our Internet

Our Internet is a family owned and run company located in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. We have been doing business world wide on the Internet since 1998 and have established an unbeatable track record for customer satisfaction and service.

We are a hosting company that uses The Planet's network architecture, one of America's few profitable ISPs. We take great pride in the reliability of our servers and super fast connectivity. Using the right technology keeps our servers up and our clients happy.

Our systems are some of the most technologically advanced in the industry. When you order online, available 24 hours per day, your new hosting plan will be immediately available. What is immediate you ask? Immediate to us means that as soon as the payment is processed, you'll receive an email detailing instructions about how to log into your new hosting plan. This is important in many ways. First, it provides "instant access" to your new hosting plan. Second, as computer handles the provisioning-process, there is less chance of a mistake being made. Third, it costs less money for an automated process than for a human to handle it. (This saves us money, which we pass along in our prices)

At Our Internet we know it's not just about hardware, but about making people's dreams come alive on the Internet. That is why we are always there to assist you in your time of need. Whether it is a simple question, or a technical one, we are there for you 7 days a week, 365 days a year, when ever you need us.

Our Internet is breaking the price barrier for internet hosting the same way we do on all of the services we provide. Don't miss out on our low rates and great service!

Our Network

Rock solid infrastructure: The reliability of our technology platform is essential to our ability to offer low prices and fast service. Our network (always expanding) consists of twenty-six Gigabit Ethernet connections to the Internet. Both of our data centers feature redundant UPS, A/C and generator backup systems. And DC2, our newly completed facility, offers all-Dell equipment.

Server Specifications

Our servers are mission-specific, industrial grade machines designed to the toughest industry specifications.
They are never overloaded and are monitored 24/7 to ensure that they perform smoothly.
We also backup every server to a second drive and remotely on a daily basis.
Every server is built to meet our extremely high expectations, and we use only name brand components such as IBM SCSI hard drives, Intel processors, ECC SDRAM and more.
We NEVER sacrifice quality on our hardware, even if it means sacrificing profit.

Our typical server configurations are as follows:
Linux Icon Linux Hosting Windows Icon Microsoft Hosting

Dell Duel Xeon Server
Quad Core 3.6 Xeon Processors
8 - 16 GB RAM
RAID 10 SCSI Hard Drives
Linux RedHat
Apache 2

Dell Duel Xeon Server
Quad Core 3.6 Xeon Processors
8 - 16 GB RAM
RAID 10 SCSI Hard Drives
Windows 2003 Standard
IIS 6 & 7

Name Servers

Before You Buy

Companies today are demanding solutions that deliver quantifiable business benefits making their buying decisions based on tangible returns on investment.

As a result of this new focus, web hosting is rapidly emerging as a powerful way to drive increased business performance and efficiency. Let's face it, today's businesses must have an online presence to compete effectively.

Whether or not your company utilizes the Internet as a revenue stream, you can benefit from the right web hosting relationship with a web hosting company on which you can consistently rely. Armed with the right criteria to evaluate hosting services, even a non tech savvy individual can make an informed and quick decision.


Four tips to ensure you receive the highest standard in Web hosting:

We are a hosting company that uses The Planet's network architecture, one of America's few profitable ISPs. We take great pride in the reliability of our servers and super fast connectivity. Using the right technology keeps our servers up and our clients happy.

1 - Security and Reliability. In today's world, with the threat of viruses, hackers, and data thieves, you need extra layers of electronic protection. Make sure that your web hosting provider keeps your data behind firewalls, protected by dynamic encryption and port blocking, and reinforced by a knowledgeable, dedicated security staff. Be certain that your provider offers automatic, fail safe redundancy, so that when a server fails or is disabled by an attack, another will immediately take up the load and continue without interruption.

2 - Service and Support. 24 x 7. When something goes wrong with your service, you will want fast, intelligent answers and the problem resolved immediately, regardless of when it occurs. Consequently, you should investigate your hosting provider's ability to proactively in form customers before t becomes an emergency. Having access to self-help tools and trained technicians enables you to obtain answers quickly and streamlines your process to resolution.

3 - Stability. Your needs are likely to change as your business grows, so the flexibility to upgrade your service is important. Can your Web hosting provider grow with your needs should your business evolve from a starter Web site to a high traffic e commerce site? Does it offer an array of services, including shared and dedicated hosting packages?

4 - Financial Stability. Your Web host is a direct reflection of your business. Be sure to choose a hosting partner with the financial strength to succeed in all economic times. Failure on its part puts your business at risk. Seek a provider that has proven experience in providing business class hosting with a state of the art network, unsurpassed reliability, and superlative customer service.


The majority of companies with web sites today are leaving web hosting to the experts, with the cost savings and the need for greater technical resources driving their decisions. Outsourcing to a full service web hosting provider enables you to concentrate on your business and not the technology that underpins it. What's more, you eliminate the expensive up front cost for equipment acquisition, maintenance, and training. We provide our customers with access to secure networks and servers, scalable hosting plans to accommodate your changing needs, faster time to market, technical expertise, and proactive site maintenance and management. Our sustained high service levels, readiness to deploy new technology, and business strategies can help you increase Our Internet derived profits and decrease your web hosting costs.

ourinternet.us immagine dello schermo
Ricerca di siti Web per Our Internet sopra giugno 1, 2005 di WebHostingTop

🎁 Our Internet Promozioni

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Quant'è 4 + 3 ? Rispondi con 7

Piani📤 Our Internet Prodotti del sito Web

🔧 Condiviso - 💻 Linux Mantieni il mouse
sulle funzionalità!
💰Prezzo💿 Spazio sul disco 📶 Trasferimento 📆 Aggiornato🆓 Dominio gratuito /
🔌 Permesso
OurInternet.us Starter Linux Value Hosting   $3,95/ Mo.1500 MB25 GB
OurInternet.us Basic Linux Value Hosting   $5,95/ Mo.2500 MB50 GB
OurInternet.us Premium Linux Value Hosting   $9,95/ Mo.4 GB80 GB
OurInternet.us E-Z Com Linux Value Hosting   $14,95/ Mo.8 GB120 GB
OurInternet.us Com Pro Linux Value Hosting   $19,95/ Mo.10 GB160 GB
OurInternet.us Megan Site Linux Value Hosting   $49,95/ Mo.18 GB250 GB

Le informazioni di contatto sono gestite da ourinternet.us rappresentanti sales@o..., admin@o..., support@o... [accesso]
Rivendica questa attività

📊 Statistiche Web

Mira: Stati Uniti
📂 Dettagli per http://www.ourinternet.us/
📥 DNS del sito Web: ns1.ourdnservers.com => ( Dallas ) / Group Hosting - grouphosting.com
ns2.ourdnservers.com => ( Dallas ) / Group Hosting - grouphosting.com
MX::mx1.hspherefilter.com => ( Dallas ) / Group Hosting - grouphosting.com
MX::mx2.hspherefilter.com => ( Dallas ) / Group Hosting - grouphosting.com
MX::mx4.hspherefilter.com => ( Dallas ) / Group Hosting - grouphosting.com
MX::mx3.hspherefilter.com => ( Dallas ) / Group Hosting - grouphosting.com
🔨 Software server: Apache
📌 IP del sito Web:
📍 Localizzazione IP: United States, Texas, Dallas - vedere i migliori fornitori in United States, Texas
🔗 Nome ISP / URL ISP: TierPoint LLC, tierpoint.com

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Recensioni👪 Our Internet Valutazioni dei clienti

Le statistiche rapide di Our Internet profilo mostra una nota media di 7,5 su 10, conteggio 6 opinioni. (pochi elencati nella parte superiore della pagina)
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🔝 Altre migliori aziende di web hosting a Florida, Stati Uniti

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    domain.com logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 6214
    👤 Voto dell'utente 👉 Recensioni totali: 62
    🙌 Voto medio: 1.4 / 10
    👍 Buone recensioni: 2
    👎 Recensioni negative: 60
    👈 Risposte ufficiali: 0
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    Nota: aggiungi una promozione o un coupon

    Network Solutions
    networksolutions.com logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 15584
    👤 Voto dell'utente 👉 Recensioni totali: 35
    🙌 Voto medio: 1.6 / 10
    👍 Buone recensioni: 3
    👎 Recensioni negative: 32
    👈 Risposte ufficiali: 0
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    Le promozioni vengono aggiunte, ma alcune non vengono aggiornate da oltre 2 anni

    TMD Hosting
    tmdhosting.com logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 23123
    👤 Voto dell'utente 👉 Recensioni totali: 646
    🙌 Voto medio: 9.2 / 10
    👍 Buone recensioni: 601
    👎 Recensioni negative: 45
    👈 Risposte ufficiali: 0
  • Stato di completamento del profilo:
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    Vengono aggiunti gli account Twitter e Facebook dell'azienda
    Vengono aggiunti gli URL di forum, blog / annunci, knowledge base o FAQ
    Vengono aggiunti prodotti (piani), ma alcuni non vengono aggiornati da oltre 2 anni
    Nota: aggiungi una promozione o un coupon

    Cose da fare
    Mancano gli URL "Informazioni sulla pagina" o "Pagina contatti"
    web.com logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 23660
    👤 Voto dell'utente 👉 Recensioni totali: 9
    🙌 Voto medio: 3.2 / 10
    👍 Buone recensioni: 2
    👎 Recensioni negative: 7
    👈 Risposte ufficiali: 1

📉 Confronta con i migliori marchi di hosting di Florida, Stati Uniti

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