SiteValley positive review #26433 by Corby (corby91@g...) on Jan 2014

SiteValley got a positive review on
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Nashua , NH 03062
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Customer review #26433
Corby ( corby91@g... )
Time Hosted 6 mo. to 1 year
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
If you have technical questions

I joined several months ago and chose shared hosting (VIPHosting it is called at the moment) at first because all the specifications that are mentioned on the site were ok for me.
Less then in a month after my site became more popular it began to go down from time to time.
When I get to chat they told me that my site was overloading the CPU resources that was forbidden in theit Terms of services. They explained me the difference, counted how much it would be for me to uprade, why it ould be better and in sever days after having thougt I gave up. Oh, I should have done it faster!
At first I had to get used to new cPanel, some DNS questions. I came to the chat system for about 10 times. Yes, after the 4th time the support explained me that all the questions about the settings changes sholud be asked in ticket so that their techs had the history of all they had changed, the case history=)
At the moment after many consultings everything works without any downs.
Thank support for their patience.

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