Kvc WebHost positive review #7548 by ariel (webmaster@2...) on 2009

Kvc WebHost got a positive review on
Kvc WebHost
1709 Ada Sage Ln
Edmond , OK 73003
☎ Phone (877) 920-4678
Customer review #7548
ariel ( webmaster@2... )
Time Hosted 1 to 3 months
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
I was impressed the first time I visit http://www.kvchosting.com

I didn't hear about it ever. But, the server is relatively, how can they be the Best hosting service?
The fair prices they handle are very affordable, but maybe is not the most important, although it is.

But the service, that's another matter.

If we make a rate from 1 to 10, I will give 10.

I had work with internet hosting companies several years, and my personal opinion is this:

If you have a trouble (and with internet deploys, structures modifications, and third party applications there are always issues)
you need to get a response inmediatly (maybe the problem can't be resolve it inmediatly), but when the support staff of the server
have issues they work on it.

If after the report, the staff continue with you in order to know how is proccess while your trouble stay on other level or department.

Ohh boy, that is a really good service.

So, my advice, still doing what you are doing guys, you are doing pretty well.

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