Gear Host negative review #27037 by delpinta (delpinta@y...) on 2014

Gear Host got a negative review on
Gear Host
1820 E Ray Rd
Chandler , AZ
☎ Phone 888-535-5443
Customer review #27037
delpinta ( delpinta@y... )
Time Hosted 2 to 3 years
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel

I was using gearhost for a few years, and recently when I was ill and didnt get to my manual renewals, it lapsed 3 months. When i cam back to start again, gearhost told me to pay the past 3 months as they had been backing up my databse and files. I told them but my webiste was down the whole time, and backing up a shared server should not involve any extra work. So they agreed to let me just pay the current month and they would restore my website and databse. As soon as i paid, i noticed the site wasnt up, so i emailed them again. and then they told me upon review, they realized my databse was gone. My point is why they didnt say that before they asked me to pay again, and why they said i would need to pay before they could restore my site and databse. At the very least they didnt check before they asked me to pay. And if its true they deledted my database after 3 months (which just expired very recently, why have then been sending me daily emails since yesterday about credit card failure, if indeed they had already deleted my databse and service?

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