000webhost review #33960 on Oct 2017

000webhost got a positive review on
61 Lordou Vironos Street
Larnaca 6023
Customer review #33960
https://twitter.com/Saxo_BrokoYt ( saxonbrooker@g... )
Time Hosted 1 to 2 years
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000webhost Honest Review

It's a bit difficult to use when you start but there is thousands of articles on the web about how to use 000webhost. It's 100% free to make 2 websites. 000webhost is powered by hostinger. They dont use advertising on your website (Proof saxo-broko.000webhostapp.com/) They also let you buy a domain via Hostinger or park a domain (Use a domain you already own) Eg, saxobroko.ga, you can also use a free domain, There is about 100 domain options Eg, example.netii.net. Now i'm going to tell you about how 000webhost helped me, Since i am a youtuber (youtube.saxobroko.ga), I have gained an audience and an bigger online presence, Try googling "Saxo_Broko" Yep =D. You should try 000webhost if you are bored, want to learn how to code a language, host files, need a web server and lots of other reasons also if you need more than 2 websites than you should consider purchasing a higher plan, they all include free domains or use hostinger. 000webhost has helped me achieve the knowledge of html, javascript, php, css and some other stuff, It has also achieved the removal of my boredom.

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