Free SSL Certificate with every web hosting package on Greece logo📅 - Hostsun helps you follow the new era at no extra cost by providing a completely free SSL certificate forever with every package for web hosting! Hostsun is one of the first and few companies in Greece to providefree SSL Certificate for your website. Get Free ssl certificate for ever!

At Hostsun on every web hosting package, there is a free and SSL Certificate for your domain when you create it. So you do not have to do anything. The SSL Certificate for your domain is ready for use and you can manage it through your CPANEL in the SSL menus. SSL Certificate renewal is automatically renewed for free and free of charge! Reads: 1100 | Category: General | Source: WHTop :
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Other news logo📅 - Google going to mark all HTTP sites as “not secure” - According to a blog post by Chrome security product manager Emily Schechter, Google will soon begin to mark all HTTP sites as “not secure”in Google Chrome.

The change will take effect in July 2018 with the release of Chrome 68. According to the post, “Chrome’s new interface will help users understand that all HTTP sites are not secure, and continue to move the web towards a secure HTTPS web by default. HTTPS is easier and cheaper than ever before, and it unlocks both performance improvements and powerful new features that are too sensitive for HTTP.”

The implication is that Google is actually taking the security of the web really very seriously and will be down-grading insecure sites in ... logo📅 - Wordpress CLI - this particularly useful feature if you are a WordPress developer, System Administrator or run a business built around WordPress.this command line will help you considerably.

WP-CLI provides a command-line interface for many actions you might perform in the WordPress admin. For instance, wp plugin install --activate (doc) lets you install and activate a WordPress plugin:

Example of commands :

$ wp plugin install user-switching --activate
Installing User Switching (1.0.9)
Downloading install package from
Unpacking the package...
Installing the plugin...
Plugin installed successfully.
Activating ... logo📅 - Launching Live Streaming CDN - Worrying about slow loading times, video buffering and peak absorption is a thing of the past with our 7 Tbps CDN.

Introducing the Live Streaming CDN - our new platform for a global live video delivery with tailored solutions for streaming live events. Not only it assures the lowest possible latency but it makes sure you do not need to worry about any unexpected peaks in views anymore.

Unlimited TB transfer and unique bandwidth pricing with free peak traffic are just some examples how we revolutionized the approach for live streaming.

Always having security in mind, the Live Streaming CDN comes with 100% SSL/TLS support. Thanks to other features such as time or IP based secure tokens, ... logo📅 - আনলিমিটেড ওয়েব হোস্টিং - Unlimited Web Hosting ! হে টিউনারপেজের ৭ বছর উপলক্ষে আমরা নিয়ে এসেছি আনলিমিটেড ওয়েব হোস্টিং সার্ভিস। কনো সর্ত নেই, হিডেন চার্জ নেই, আপনার ওয়েব সাইট হোস্ট করতে যত টুকূ SSD Space, Bandwidth, Website/Domain, Email Account ইচ্ছে ব্যাবহার করুন। কনো লিমিট নেই।

আরো বিস্তারিত :

৫০% ডিস্কাউন্টঃ আনলিমিটেড ওয়েব হোস্টিং এর মুল্য হচ্ছে ৭,০০০ টাকা বছরে কিন্তু অর্ডার করার সময় 50tuner প্রমো কোড ব্যাবহার করলেই আপনি ৫০% ছারে মানে মাত্র ৩,৫০০ টাকা দিয়ে ১ বছরের জন্য আনলিমিটেড ওয়েব হোস্টিং কিনতে পারছেন।

ফ্রি ডোমেইনঃ প্রথম ৩০টি অর্ডার এর সাথে আমরা আজিবনের জন্য একটি ফ্রি ডোমেইন দিচ্ছি। মানে হচ্ছে প্রতি বছর আপনাকে ডোমেইন এর কনো টাকা দিতে হবে না শুধু মাত্র হোস্টিং রিনিউ করলেই ... logo📅 - HostRound Launches Managed SSD VPS Hosting Service - VPS hosting is the latest addition to our product lineup, offering an excellent alternative for anyone that needs a light, moderate or even intensive traffic solution.

Reliable hosting solutions should be affordable for businesses that want to establish an online presence and remain competitive. At HostRound, we’ve invested heavily in new technologies and infrastructure that allow us to offer affordable hosting packages that free you from storage, speed, and feature constraints.

Why Choose a VPS Hosting Solution?

VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting allows for a virtually isolated machine that can be accessed and configured as if it were a standalone resource. HostRound makes the VPS ... logo📅 - RackNap Now Available on Microsoft Azure Marketplace - RackNap is a Cloud Service Delivery and end-to-end Business Automation platform for cloud, datacenter, telco and web hosting industry. RackNap enables providers to sell cloud services on their own infrastructure, as well as via third party providers like Microsoft, AWS, Google, IBM Cloud, and more. RackNap covers all facets of business operations – Marketplace and product display, Billing and pricing, Service configuration and delivery, Sales and marketing, Inventory and assets monitoring, CRM and support management, Multi-tier partner channel enablement, End- customer panel, and Business analytics.
RackNap is a business unit of ZNet Technologies Pvt. Ltd. For more information, please ...