Jun, 2016 : Do you Need URL Redirects for Your Website?

📅 - If you haven't heard about URL Redirects yet, take a look at what this is all about and why you may want it for your website. For website owners that go through a website change and have to do business on a new URL, URL Redirects is the perfect solution for you.

While it may seem like no big deal to you to have to go a new URL, your customers may still be typing in your old one and wondering where you went. Your users may not be able to find you anymore and your old links aren't working anymore. When you get URL redirects, you solve that problem for you and your visitors. Take a look at what this is all about.

Understanding URL Redirect

A URL redirect is basically a way for websites to have their old URL direct visitors to their current URL. If your old website was called WinesRUs and now you want to be called SmithWines, your visitors that try to type in WinesRUs will be transferred to SmithWines with the blink of an eye. They won't be given some error message and have a confused look on their face when they realize their primary wine provider is M.I.A.

URL redirect works to point your URL to the new URL so that your visitors will be automatically redirected to your new site. Your visitors won't be forced to remember that you changed your website and while they keep typing in the old URL into their browser, they will continually be taken to the new URL name that they will likely start to learn after a few visits.

Should I use URL redirects?

There are a few options for redirects and they may make sense for you. The first type is 301 redirects which is a permanent redirect and the most common method. 302 redirect works temporarily, like for those that are moving a page temporarily and intend to go back to the old URL. The third option is a meta refresh which will redirect on a page level rather than a server level.

When you have duplicate content appearing more than once, you can use the 301 redirect for the duplicate piece of content to take visitors back to the original page. If you've changed your domain, you'd want to use the permanent redirect because it would help you avoid losing all of the links you've built, the search engine rankings, and the regular visitors.

Those who have multiple domains may want to do this as well. Purchasing multiple domain names protects the brand and you can have them redirected to any of your other domains from a different domain. Companies do this all the time to help with gaining traffic and to accommodate those visitors that misspell their company name. Plus, competitors could swoop in and buy a similar domain name so companies will often purchase anything similar to avoid the competitor from stealing their potential customers.

For these reasons, it's really smart to get URL redirects. It's an effective way to keep your traffic and to maintain your SEO strategy.

Reads: 1385 | Category: General | Source: TheHN : The Hosting News

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