Web Servers Softwares, 2024

A Web Server is a computer application that serves content, such as webpages, using all kind of protocols, most common one is HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), over the World Wide Web. There are several different such programs, many of them free and some commercial, by far the most used one is Apache (running mainly on Linux servers)

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Web Servers available in today's market

The Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to develop and maintain an open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems including UNIX and Windows NT. The goal of this project is to provide a secure, efficient and extensible server that provides HTTP services in sync with the current HTTP standards.Apache has been the most popular web server on the Internet since April 1996.
Advanced Load Balancer, Web Server, & Reverse Proxy. NGINX is a web server that can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache
IIS is a complete Web server for Windows that makes it possible to quickly and easily deploy powerful Web sites and applications.
LiteSpeed Web Server is the leading high-performance, high-scalability web server. It is completely Apache interchangeable so LiteSpeed Web Server can quickly replace a major bottleneck in your existing web delivery platform. With its comprehensive range of features and easy-to-use web administration console, LiteSpeed Web Server can help you conquer the challenges of deploying an effective web serving architecture.
Lightweight open-source web server. News, documentation, benchmarks, bugs, and download. [BSD license]
Abyss Web Server
A free and small personal web server for Windows and Linux supporting HTTP/1.1 and CGI. Features a remote web management interface.
Small-footprint server offering executables, server-parsed pages, access control and virtual hosting (perl).
micro_httpd is a very small Unix-based HTTP server. It runs from inetd, which means its performance is poor. But for low-traffic sites, it's adequate.
The SRE-http project / www.srehttp.org (discontinued 2001)
dedicated to the provision of free, WWW-aware software to the OS/2 community. Written primarily in REXX, theflagship product is the SRE-http http/1.1 server for OS/2.
Zeus Web Server (discontinued)
Solutions for content providers, ISP hosting, intranets and secure e-commerce with support.
Aestiva / www.aestiva.com (discontinued)
The HTML/OS product enables web designers to build advanced dynamic sites w/out CGI programming. For Unix and NT servers. ISP-friendly.
The Caudium Webserver / www.caudium.net (discontinued)
Feature rich, open source webserver with many unique features like on-demand image creation and advanced server-side parsing.
ghttpd / gaztek.sourceforge.net/ghttpd/ (discontinued)
A fast and efficient HTTP server that has CGI support (no post support, only get). Ghttpd has a small memory footprint and is capable of handling thousands of simultanious connections. GPL.
kHTTPD for Linux / www.fenrus.demon.nl (discontinued)
An http-daemon webserver for linux. Khttpd is different from other webservers in that it runs from within the linux-kernel as a module device-driver.
Pi3Web (EOL 2004)
Supports CGI, FCGI, ISAPI, PHP4, SSL. Free binary or source downloads, documentation, mailing list, FAQ, screenshots. [Windows, Linux]

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