Webhost 4Life negative review #10147 by Ann (arossettobodwin@m...)

Webhost 4Life got a negative review on
Webhost 4Life
10 Corporate Drive, Suite #300
Burlington , CA 91754
☎ Phone +1 888 306 3780

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Customer review #10147
Ann ( arossettobodwin@m... )
Time Hosted 2 to 3 years
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
We've been doing fine with wh4l until the latest migration. Our current goal (while trying to keep the website up and running) has been to do our own migration AWAY from webhost4life. We were very satisfied with the product until the migration. At that time our web site was down for at least a week. We run a business that we rely heavily on our web site.

They migration took away smartermail and gave us a choice between squirrelmail or atmail. There were features that were included in smartermail that aren't included in either squirrel or atmail UNLESS we pay more money and combine atmail with exchange.

They originally took away our ability to send newsletters to more than 100 people UNLESS of course we upgraded that feature too. They gave us the ability to send to more since I guess they realized this is a feature they shouldn't have taken away. The free newsletter management that we chose to use (because we aren't throwing any more money away to WH4L) is not user friendly at all and is missing information we had prior to the migration. We currently have an e-mail list with just e-mail address'. prior to this, we could enter a first and last name.

It's now been a month since our migration and our site has been down 4 times in the last week. I keep getting the response from tech support "it appears to be working now". If I try and start my car and it doesn't start and I call road service and it starts for them, does that mean there's not an issue with my car?

We are currently working on overhauling our site and working with a new company. Once they have it up and running, we will be gladly done with WH4L.

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