positive review #10594 by Consoltec (rjmolesa@c...) got a positive review on
711 Kapiolani Blvd. #975
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Customer review #10594
Consoltec ( rjmolesa@c... )
Time Hosted 1 to 2 years
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
We have had 2 dedicated servers with them for a few years now. We moved to Superb when Valueweb really botched things during their DC moved. We have nothing but good things to say about overall. We started with 2 ubuntu servers, then they were running a 2-for-1 special on servers. We picked up 2 and moved things off the old ones to the new ones. Our dedicated hosting bill is half what it used to be now. With only a few exceptions their support is outstanding! They're fast and friendly, and technically competent. The couple of issues we've had in the past centered around improper setups of the network KVM terminal to our servers when we needed shell access. Other than that we're very pleased and plan to keep running our services in their DC's. Speaking of their DC's. A real plus is the ability to choose which DC your server is provisioned in. A negative mark is the inability for them to delegate authority of the reverse zones to us. We run our own DNS and are more than capable of taking care of this ourselves. I'd recommend that anyone looking for reliable dedicated servers to try They have yet to let me down. Great support, great prices, great network and 4000Gb/month/server bandwidth!

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