ReliableSite Offering Servers in Miami for Low Latency to the Americas logotipo📅 - To keep up with growing demand for an international presence and to reach customers in South America with low latency, ReliableSite has expanded dedicated hosting to Miami, Florida. The company now offers its enterprise-grade dedicated servers and personalized service in the ‘Gateway to the Americas'.

Connect Internationally

In its ninth year, ReliableSite carefully decided to expand its dedicated server offering in Miami, Florida. The sunny, U.S. city is a major data center hub, similar to ReliableSite's first location near New York City. The southernmost point in the United States will provide excellent connectivity and low latency to Brazil, Argentina, and other South American countries. Miami is also on the East Coast, which has direct connections to Europe and the rest of the United States.

“We are excited to expand our global footprint by providing service to South America,” said Radic Davydov, CEO and founder of ReliableSite. “As we grow, we hope to serve as a strong backbone for our customers who grow their businesses with us.”

Free DDoS Attack Protection

ReliableSite will be one of the few dedicated server providers in Miami to offer free protection against DDoS attacks of up to 10 Gbps. The protection is automatically applied to all accounts and relies on a hardware-based barrier. Malicious traffic is instantly mitigated without packet loss. This feature protects against attacks that bring unexpected costs related to increased bandwidth and an inactive service. This option was first offered earlier this year for customers in the New York City metro area data center.

Support, Security and SLAs

The company will continue to provide enterprise-level support and find personalized options for every customer. The Miami location has a 24/7/365 on-site support team for instant hardware access and network issues. ReliableSite consistently provides an average initial response time to issues in 15 minutes or less. Managed services from RedHat and Microsoft-certified technicians are available as well.

ReliableSite's data center location in Miami keeps up with the high standards established in New York. The Tier 3 data center can withstand Category 5 hurricanes. It has fully redundant power

and cooling, and a 100% uptime SLA. This location is monitored 24/7 by on-site security guards and uses biometric authentication at all entrances.

About ReliableSite.Net LLC

The company was founded in 2006 and has grown to provide unmanaged dedicated servers and fully-managed dedicated hosting. Customers trust its SLAs, and on-site support staff who take care to treat every task as a priority.

More information is available on ReliableSite's Miami Data Center page. Lê: 1456 | Categoria: General | Fonte: TheHN : The Hosting News
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Empresa: Reliable Site

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Outras notícias logotipo📅 - Sobre a empresa - Somos uma empresa de pequeno porte, focada em prestação de serviços para empresas de pequeno porte e pessoas físicas. Estrutura própria, monitorada 24 horas. Foco em criação de sites e hospedagem de pequeno porte, mas também com soluções para servidores gerenciados.

Disco virtual, streaming de áudio e registro de domínios também são outros serviços que prestamos. Empresa criada em 2003, com profissionais da área desde 1996.

Já desenvolvemos mais de 500 sites (2019). Nosso foco é um bom atendimento, personalizado, por telefone em horário comercial, e emergencial 24 ... logotipo📅 - Aniversário de 16 anos da HOST4! - No dia 27 de outubro a HOST4 completou 16 anos de história, todos esses anos foram de muita dedicação e empenho para oferecer o melhor serviço de hospedagem de site.

Somos eternamente gratos a todos os nossos colaborardes, fornecedores, parceiros e principalmente a nossos clientes fiéis que depositaram confiança em nosso trabalho.

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