Webivox 10GB eMail, LKR 13,350.00/yr. on Linux Emails
10GB eMail has been added on Jul 8, 2020
94/1E, Suramya Place, Rajamawatha
Ratmalana 10390 LK
☎ Phone 0777904054
📧 info@w...💳 Payment Methods : | Credit / Debit / Prepaid CardsPayPalWire TransferWestern Union |
✍️ Support Options : | EmailHelp DeskPhone / Toll-FreeOnline: Skype, Whatsapp ...Available 24/7 |
🌏 Server Locations : | Sri Lanka |
See also initial 10GB eMail plan location on their website!
📜 Plan description
1 Domain Name
Webmail Access
Web-Based Email - Horde, SquirrelMail, RoundCube
Unlimited POP3, IMAP Email Accounts with SMTP
Unlimited Auto-responders
Unlimited Email Forwarding
Email Alias, Catch-All Email
Anti-Spam Features using SpamAssassin
Anti-Virus Scanning
SMTP Server for sending mail using your domain
Receive your email to your phone via IMAP Support
Unlimited Secure IMAP Email Accounts
Webmail Access
Web-Based Email - Horde, SquirrelMail, RoundCube
Unlimited POP3, IMAP Email Accounts with SMTP
Unlimited Auto-responders
Unlimited Email Forwarding
Email Alias, Catch-All Email
Anti-Spam Features using SpamAssassin
Anti-Virus Scanning
SMTP Server for sending mail using your domain
Receive your email to your phone via IMAP Support
Unlimited Secure IMAP Email Accounts
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- SriLanka Hosting🏆 Alexa Rating166,433 ▼👤 User Rating 👉 Total Reviews: 7
🙌 Average Rating: 8 / 10
👍 Good Reviews: 6
👎 Bad Reviews: 1
👈 Official Responses: 1- 💡 Plan: Business Email (PayAsYouGo)
- 🔧 Category: Emails
- 💻 OS Type: Linux
- 💰 Price: LKR 388.00/mo.
- 💿 Disk Space: 1 GB
- 📶 Traffic bandwidth: unmetered
- 💲 Setup Fee: free
- 📅 Added:
- 📆 Updated:
- 🌏 Server in:
- Aggregate Rating (8 out of 10 from 7 reviews)
1 GB Storage
Sync Email Using POP3 / IMAP Secure Email With SSL Digital Certificate
Support Mobile Sync
Emails Like Yourname@Yourdomain.Com
Auto-Responders & Email Forwarding
Advanced [...]