May 30, 2017 : Kali Linux In The Cloud logo📅 - OneHost Cloud has been providing Pentesting VPS Hosting for a number of years now and if the number one provider in the field of Penetration Testing Machines in the cloud.
We have designed and purpose built a cloud infrastructure based around OpenStack and VMware specifically to host Pentesting distributions such as Kali Linux, Backbox and Parrot Security. Unlike AWS or Azure where access is only provided via SSH, OneHost Cloud has pre-installed the NoMachine Remote Desktop application to give customers full remote desktop access to their pentesting cloud machine.
Upon ordering customers will have a fully functional Pentesting Virtual Private Server in less than 120 seconds and will remote desktop already installed you will be able to access your VPS in minutes.
Our cloud infrastructure is built for performance and security and with 10Gbit network interfaces on all our dedicated servers, the network performance of our virtual machines are outstanding.
Full console access is also made available just like any VPS and customers can rebuild, upgrade/downgrade, power off or shutdown their system at anytime. For help, support is only moments away with our live chat, ticketing support and telephone customers will be able to access dedicated pentesting engineers to assist them with any questions they have about their pentesting machine.
Still not convinced ? OneHost Cloud also offers a 24 hour trial where for just $5 customers can try our pentesting cloud machines and should they decide to continue their service that initial payment is deducted from the monthly payment.
OneHost Cloud is much more cost effective than AWS or Azure as the most basic Kali Linux VPS comes packed with SSD storage, 2 GB high speed memory, 1 vCPU and 10Gbit interfaces all for only $14.99 per month. To compare, the same configuration on AWS would cost in excess of $34.99 per month excluding traffic. All traffic on OneHost Cloud's network is unlimited customers will never be slugged with excess fees for bandwidth.
Lastly OneHost Cloud provides a free proxy service for their pentesting customers to fully utilize anonymity when carrying out their pentest. OneHost encourages customers to take advantage of this. Access to the proxy can be found by registering on the OneHost forums. Reads: 2218 | Category: General | Source: WHTop :
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Company: OneHost Cloud

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