平均 5.3 10の
合計口コミ: 4
が推奨します: 2
反対する: 2
公式の回答: 1

❌ Overline India レビュー

4 ユーザーレビュー; 1 サポート対応; 0 推薦; 2 製品, 0 昇進, 3 ソーシャルアカウント, Alexa #5329569; 📆 リスト登録数 2009 (#13473)
Overline India
B-119-124, Sushant Vypar Kendra, Sushant Lok
Gurgaon haryana 122001

ウェブサイトの言語: en

overlineindia.net 非アクティブなウェブホスティング会社です!
🏆 Alexa Rating 5,329,569 👤 ユーザー評価 🙌 平均 5.3 10の
👉 合計口コミ: 4
👍 が推奨します: 2
👎 反対する: 2
🤝 公式の回答: 1

💰 料金帯 $ 3.00 - $ 25.00⏰ サポート 24x7
🏆 SEO MOZ Authority 9/35🔗 リンク 368
フォーラム、ブログ/お知らせ、ナレッジベース、またはFAQ URLが追加されました

To Doリスト
"ページについて" URLまたは"連絡先ページ" URLがありません
overlineindia.net ロゴ

📄 概要

🔧 サービス: ウェブホスティングドメイン登録

📜 バージョン情報 Overline India

Redirected to https://www.hostbulls.com as of 2021
Overline India is an unit of Druptech IT (P) Limited, Delhi (NCR) -based company that is dedicated in helping small and midsize business companies to reach customers online. We believe that by creating a website, all you have is just web presence; but to get effective traffic on your website, it is equally important to have a well designed one. This is why we provide the best of Web Hosting and Web Designing services. Also, our services are backed with exceptionally good quality and low costs.

We are professionals who have delivered stellar projects to a large number of national and international clients. We service all business sectors at very competitive rates. Our areas of strength are our innovation, out-of-the-box thinking and commitment to quality. With our skillful management team as well as in-house Microsoft Certified web developers, we register a unique name for your organization, and thus open up a new world of web-based clients and services to you.

At Overline India, we provide our customers with exclusive web hosting services at competitive prices. With our vast experience in web hosting and designing, we try to create an ideal balance between web design and web development of your website. However, many of our existing clients and general customers have asked us the reason behind our economical and low cost services. Essentially, we save costs on server rental, as we have our own servers. By using a large number of servers, we are able to maintain high uptime and are able to provide unlimited web space and bandwidth to our clients, thus resulting in lowered costs. Apart from this, we also save on by avoiding unnecessary large number of employees, unnecessary out going phone calls and expensive office space. As a result, our operational expenses are also low.

We understand that like ours, every business owner looks at getting the best service at the most cost effective prices. Therefore, we try to provide exceptional quality web hosting and designing services to all our esteemed clients at unbelievable packages.

The network services provided by us are completely top-of-the-world. Once you have availed our network services, you will always keep coming back. This is because we have redundant DS-3 lines with different routes to the Internet Backbone that ascertains that our servers are always actively connected to the Internet. With BGP Peering, we are also able to automatically re-route traffic away from Internet Traffic Jams. As end users, this means that you will never ever have to work with slow Internet speed! Most of , our servers are fast intel ( Core2Quad, Xeon Quad-Core) based technology with 8GB,or more of RAM. So, even when Internet traffic is at its peak, our servers will not overload and will continue giving you optimum speed.

Why to choose Overline India ? Real Facts:

True 24x7x365 support?
Many companies claim to offer this but really do not, we guarantee that our technicians are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Number of technician employees
Most hosting providers are a one man band. Although they may be knowledgeable, there is no way that they can always be around, even if it may seem like they are in the beginning. We have 22 Technician employees in total, with a minimum of 14 for Live Chat and 8 Senior technican employees for ticketing support. When you have a problem, rest assured that someone is always available to help you.

Actual company
Believe it or not, most companies that provide services over the Internet are not even real registered companies. We are a real company, completely profitable and incorporated in the state of Haryana, India. Company Reg. No. U72200HR2006PTC36026 , Reg Date 31st Jan, 2006.

Trained & Experienced technicians
All of our technicians are qualified Level 3 Technicians or System Administrators. Our technicians must have a minimum 3 years verifiable hands on experience before working for our company. Our system admininstrators must have 3 years in house work experience as well. Many of our technicians have their RedHat certification degree also. All of this ensures quality work from qualified technicians.

Our Data Center located in 601 W. Polk St. #250 Chicago, IL 60607 - United States

Our Network : Huge Bandwidth, Personal Service
Connectivity - Our connectivity is comprised of multiple redundant Tier 1 backbone providers. Through our partnerships with Global Crossing and Cogent we currently have 8Gbps bandwidth capacity. Simply put, we have an enormous connection directly to the internet and the ability to serve any internet need one could dream up.

Key Benefits

* 10,000 square feet available in bakers racks, cabinets , private suites, and cages.
* Power: 200 watts per square foot, 1.8 megawatts, feeds from multiple energy grids, 60 minutes UPS battery time at peak load
* Security: Customer 24x7 access, 24x7 security personnel, key card/keypad access
* Entrance: Two diverse fiber entry points
* HVAC: 70F Air temperature
* Fire Suppression: FM200
* Roof Rights: 35 floor building Antenna space available

Redundancy - n+1 Diesel Generators, UPS, Battery Backup and DC power to provide conditioned power to the IP floor. Our redundant Cisco and Foundry routers utilize BGP4 protocol to provide redundant service through our multiple providers. All of our shared servers utilize RAID for maximum data availability. All shared solutions are backed up daily through an offsite backup system

Security - Network security is a priority and includes but is not limited to the following: Redundant firewalls that stop most attacks before they start. Each of our servers are loaded with an early warning intrusion detection system that is automatically updated each time a new security flaw is discovered worldwide. Physical security is also of the utmost importance to our network. We have in place many of the latest security measures, including: fire detection and suppression, 24/7 armed guards and closed circuit cameras monitoring every square foot of our facility.

overlineindia.net スクリーンショット
のウェブサイト調査 Overline India オン 9月 6, 2021 で WebHostingTop

🎁 Overline India プロモーション


Overline India リストされた計画

🔧 両者とも関わる - 💻 Linux マウスを保つ
💰値段💿 ディスク領域 📶 転移 📆 アップデート済み🆓 無料ドメイン /
🔌 許可
Host Unlimited Web Sites!   $3.00/月無制限従量制
🔧 再販売業者 - 💻 Linux マウスを保つ
💰値段💿 ディスク領域 📶 転移 📆 アップデート済み🆓 無料ドメイン /
🔌 許可
UNLIMITED Reseller Hosting   $25.00/月無制限従量制

連絡先情報は overlineindia.net 代表者 info@o..., drupkishan@h..., admin@o..., support@o..., sales@o... [講師になるフォーム ログイン] | Last company update:

📊 ステータス

ターゲティング: インド
📂 %@ の詳細 https://www.hostbulls.com/index.php
📥 ウェブサイト: MX::overlineindia.net => ( Chicago ) / SingleHop LLC - singlehop.com
rdns26.overlineindia.net => ( Chicago ) / SingleHop LLC - singlehop.com
rdns25.overlineindia.net => ( Chicago ) / SingleHop LLC - singlehop.com
🔨 サーバーソフト: Apache
📌 ウェブサイト:
📍 IPローカリゼーション: United States, Illinois, Chicago - のトッププロバイダーを見る United States, Illinois
🔗 ISP名/ ISP URL: SingleHop LLC, singlehop.com (無効)

✅ お客さんの声


📋 Overline India プレスリリース

ja 言語で書かれたニュースはありません

📣 Overline India ソーシャルネットワーク

http://www.overlineindia.net/announcements.php  (RSS error) に追加しました 8月, 2021, 合計で 0 記事.

レビュー👪 Overline India カスタマー評価

の簡単な統計 Overline India プロファイルは、ノートの平均を示しています 5.3 10の, 接続 4 意見. (ページの上部にリストされているいくつか)
訪問者としてできること ここでこのプロバイダーを直接評価してください! この会社はウェブホスティング事業から外れている可能性があります!

レビューする [基本/詳細フォームに切り替え]


ソーシャルURL、名前、またはユーザー名eg. https://twitter.com/YOURID or https://facebook.com/YOURID
または 講師になるフォーム ログイン このページに戻ってください
顧客識別(一般公開されていません。例 Customer=1120 or Account=2121 or Order ID=511AAS3)
ホストドメイン mysite.net 。複数のドメインがある場合は、言及してください少なくとも一つの
投稿の概要eg. overlineindia.net is best!
あなたの批評 HTMLタグは許可されていません!最小100文字!
一部のお客様は、次のような良いことを言うかもしれません。OverlineIndia "または悪いことや苦情:"この会社は吸う"、または"恐ろしい"、" overlineindia.net問題だけを生成しました"、"詐欺またはリッピングプロバイダー"、しかし今はあなたの経験を共有する番です!
はいくらですか 4 + 3 ? 応答する 7
(2 = 50.00%)
(2 = 50.00%)
JA 言語でのレビューはありません。 代わりに他の言語で閲覧することができます!
言語でフィルタリング: 合計口コミ(4)   EN(4)

🔝 別のトップWebホスティング会社 India

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    Reseller Club
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    👍 レビュー評価が高い: 106
    👎 悪いレビュー: 20
    👈 公式の回答: 4
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    To Doリスト
    Blue Host India
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    👍 レビュー評価が高い: 60
    👎 悪いレビュー: 0
    👈 公式の回答: 0
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    bigrock.in ロゴ
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    👍 レビュー評価が高い: 107
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    👈 公式の回答: 1
  • プロファイル完了ステータス:
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    Host Gator India
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    👤 ユーザー評価 👉 合計口コミ: 61
    🙌 平均評価: 8.5 / 10
    👍 レビュー評価が高い: 59
    👎 悪いレビュー: 2
    👈 公式の回答: 4

📉 最高のホスティングブランドとの比較 India

これらOverline India顧客レビューとランクは訪問者の主観的な意見であり、whtop.comスタッフ.