Jun, 2018 : TFhost nominated for Four NiRA awards categories

tfhost.ng logo📅 - Leading Domain Names and Hosting Service Company gets more honors in Nigeria.
Abuja, Nigeria: TFhost.ng a leading domain name registrar and hosting service company has broken bounds by earning quadruple accolades from the Nigerian superintendent registry of the dot ng. internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD).
The .ng string is a critical national resource and Nigeria’s unique identity on the World Wide Web. NiRA seeks to recognize and acknowledge those who are contributing to the growth of the .ng domain name registration and promotion of the DNS Industry. Using the .ng Awards, NIRA celebrates the achievements and innovation of Nigerian Internet initiatives wherefore have nominated TFhost.ng for four awards categories, viz:
• .ng company of the Year
• Best Local Hosting company
• Most Innovative Service Provider online
• Startup Company of the year.
2018 .ng Awards serve to promote and commend the excellent achievements of members, stakeholders and the general public, who contribute towards building a sustainable economy using technology, uplift the image of .ng locally and internationally and stimulating the development of local content on the Internet space.
Please visit www.nira.org.ng/ngawards/vote.php to vote TFhost for these awards
We solicit for your active participation to vote for TFhost as your preferred candidate for the mentioned awards categories.
TFhost in its active commitment to further promote Nigerian entrepreneurs and the Nigerian identity on the internet is currently running promotional offers to the public for free domain names and hosting:
Please visit www.tfhost.ng/promo.php to enjoy any of these promotional offers.
About TFhost
TFhost (www.tfhost.ng) is a division of Trefoil Networks Limited.
For more information about this press release, please contact TFhost, 3rd Floor, Suite 307A, DBM Plaza, Plot, 410 Nouakchott St, Abuja, Nigeria. Tel: +234 700 8346 7864.

tfhost.ng Membaca: 1661 | Kategori: General | Sumber: WHTop : www.WHTop.com
Sumber: https://africabusinesscommunities.com/tech/tech-news/tfhost-nominated-for-four-nira-awards-categories/

Perusahaan: TFhost

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