is not active web hosting company on WHTop

Host Artists is not active web hosting company on WHTop and therefore we don't redirect. You can manually go to their website at

Additionally you can read their older review page!


Host Artists was started in 2011. Its goal: Serving artists and performers with the best possible Webhosting service as they can wish for. After a few weeks it came apparent that we werent going to just host for artistic professionals. We had so much requests from clients that are not necessarily in an artistic environment that we decided to open up the doors to everyone. We have two separate offices; 1 in IL, USA and one in The Netherlands. This way we can offer 24/7 support and quality server monitoring.
Our servers are located in Chicago IL, USA. We are using the latest hardware and are constantly monitoring stability, security and running software updates to make sure you are having the safest hosting experience.
Host Artists' BGP enabled network consists of a variety of backbone providers, each providing connectivity that enables our customers around the globe to get the fastest most reliable service for their money.

Contact info

Contact us through our website or send an email to
You are also able to contact us on Twitter: @HostArtists