Webstarts review #19939 by CT108 (creativetemplehousenow@y...)

Webstarts got a negative review on
235 W. Brandon Blvd STE 252
Brandon , FL 33511
☎ Phone 1-800-805-0920
Customer review #19939
CT108 ( creativetemplehousenow@y... )
Time Hosted 1 to 2 years
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel

I would be a fan of Webstarts except.... they are total slimeballs & totally unethical. Their entire business strategy is based on pressuring their customers & spam e-mails. If you register your e-mail address with them (and you have to if you create any sort of account with them).... get ready for a constant barrage of e-mails telling you that you must upgrade by midnight to get this and that discount & other types of spam. If you go Webstarts to start a new account, most likely you will find on the packages & prices page... A LIE ABOUT HOW THIS IS THE LAST DAY TO GET 50% OFF OF YOUR ACCOUNT.... LIES LIES LIES... THAT'S ON THEIR WEBSITE EVERY DAY. Recently they started spamming with e-mails talking about how they will be raising their prices & the only way to lock in at their present prices is to commit to a 3 year contract. SHADY THIEVES CON MEN DISHONEST SLIMY, I don't care about the quality of their software because I don't work with bad people. I'm no longer a Webstarts customer for this reason alone.

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