Just Host negative review #10254 by Edward Armstrong (ej@e...)

Just Host got a negative review on
Just Host
10 Corporate Drive, Suite #300
Burlington , MA 01803
☎ Phone +1.8887557585
Customer review #10254
Edward Armstrong ( ej@e... )
Time Hosted 6 mo. to 1 year
Global rating
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Customer Relation
Control Panel
Beware if you don't want your site to be hijacked.

Just Host servers are not in the UK. They are in Chicago.

My site was hijacked by a dodgy company based where? You guessed it, in Chicago. What are the chances that my site would suffer domain name abuse by a company apparently only two miles from the servers Just Host uses. Out of the entire world and the entire internet community how can it be that a dodgy company based in the same area that Just Hosts servers are based would attack my site?

This suggests either a statistically astronomically unlikely coincidence or some form of collusion with the Just Host server providers Singlehop (who do not answer my emails about the abuse, which is in itself highly dodgy) and the nameserver providers of the dodgy domain - a company called midphase.

Just Host 'support' staff were very cheeky and seemed totally unconcerned about the domain abuse I suffered as a result of using their services or the hijacking of my entire site.

The 'support' service provided was appalling. I was spammed by their 'support' staff with emails that bore no relation to the issues I had raised and who did not seem to know the content of 'support' emails sent by other 'support' staff. They then ignore the actual questions asked. I and simply do not believe that they have the number of service personnel they claim.

Beware of using this company. If you are happy to risk having your domain abused and to receive appalling technical support then go ahead.

I have tried to cancel my account and they can't or won't do that.

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