IPage negative review #13821 by Ashok (ashjain3256@y...) on Nov 2010

IPage got a negative review on
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ipage.com is inactive, but is redirected to bluehost.com
Customer review #13821
Ashok ( ashjain3256@y... )
Time Hosted 6 mo. to 1 year
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
Their entire hosting platform is down since last 48 hours. Sites don't load at all or only partially loads without images. I have been with iPage since last 6+ months. The essential plan is the cheapest plan on the net @35$. But with cheapness in price comes cheapness in service. If you have a serious blog or site please choose better ones than ipage. While for me i have learnt my lesson and i am definately going to pay 3-4 times more for hosting next time .
System Notice for iPage Customers
UPDATE 12pm EDT: Website Unavailable

We apologize for the time that it is taking to restore your sites back to "read/write" status. We have opted to keep the sites in "read" only mode while we make the necessary changes to the infrastructure and that is what is causing the time delay. At this time, the changes are almost complete, but will still require us to maintain services in it's current state through this evening.
Please rest assured that our first priority is to maintain your web presence and critical services operational during this time.
This thread will be updated with more information as it becomes available.
The necessary work on our platform is taking longer that expected. The sites affected will need to remain in "read only" mode through tomorrow morning, Sunday Nov, 21.
Update 10pm: In order for us to maintain system integrity we will need to maintain a subset of customers in "read only" mode until tomorrow morning, 11 am EDT.
Update 6pm: At this time, all websites should be back online. However, our System Administrators will need to keep a small subset of accounts in "read only" mode for the next few hours. During this time, your site will be available but new content will not be able to be published.

We are currently aware that a subset of our customers are experiencing errors on their websites or blank pages. Our team has identified the problem and is working to repair it at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused.
- 11/21/10 at 12:05 ET

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