Hosting Fuze positive review #18322 by eashop (e2energy2000@y...)

Hosting Fuze got a positive review on
Hosting Fuze
Iasi , IS 700410
☎ Phone (+40) 765-259-150 is inactive webhosting company!
Customer review #18322
eashop ( e2energy2000@y... )
Time Hosted 1 to 3 months
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel is best!

Recommend !!!
At HostingFuze, our main aim is providing good quality service at cheapest cost. Our Hosting is the cheapest hosting on internet, this was done deliberately so as to maintain a viable business over long term. In fact, everything we do at HostingFuze has a long-term view in mind, from the selection of hardware to software, and, especially, our staffs! We believe that we must make the best investment on our human resources so that we could provide the best support to our customers.

Currently, we are using one of the most versatile and feature-rich web hosting software in this business. You could try out our hosting software with a demo account and see it for yourself. We are also constantly upgrading our software to provide a wider range of features at, again, affordable price.

We own and maintain all of our servers, which are custom-built with high quality components. Unlike many web hosting providers, we do not lease or share our servers with other companies or data centre. By providing our customers with our own servers and not going through a third-party, we can provide high speed efficiency and security as well as quick response to support issues.

If you have any suggestion for services or features which are not available at the moment, please feel free to contact us and let us know. We value your comments and feedback very much.

We hope you have an enjoyable time exploring our web site and the services we are providing. Please let us know if you have any question about any of our services or if you need any information which is not available on our site currently.

84 out of 95 users found this review to be helpful!

  | Eashop ( admin@e... ) review