Host Gator India positive review #54077 by coyag17909@a... on Mar 2021

Host Gator India got a positive review on
Host Gator India
Building No. 3, 5th Floor, Unit No. 501, North Wing IT, NESCO Co
Mumbai , MH 400063
☎ Phone 1800-209-8833
☎ Phone +91-824-6614000
📠 Fax +91-824-2485303
Customer review #54077
-anonymous- ( coyag17909@a... )
Time Hosted 1 to 2 years
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
Thankful for consistent support

Over the years, once-in-a-lifetime hosting companies have been created that understands your needs as a microbusiness owner. HostGator India is a hosting company that supports microbusiness needs and manages businesses through its viable blog and website.

I would recommend it to friends, family members, coworkers, and others who want the huge support they can't get from registrars posing as hosting companies or from hosting companies selling server as a warm and cozy replacement for your Internet content. I have been their customer for 2 years and I know without a doubt how to install components like Google PageSpeed ​​on our VPS. However, there are some technical features that I don't understand and this is where they helped me (HostGator support). I love how they can find logs, find corruption, and edit code to remove them.

We've made some really stupid decisions as webmasters, but HostGator India is always there to save us without testing, without problems, and with the understanding that everything is urgent for us (even if it's something it isn't). We plan to be with HostGator India in the long term, not only because of the quality of the product but also because HostGator India takes care of us.

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