negative review #15383 by Robert (rob@s...) on Mar 2011 got a negative review on
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Customer review #15383
Robert ( rob@s... )
Time Hosted 6 mo. to 1 year
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Never did answer my question..

I have a transcript of the conversation with sales support. In fairness David was very polite. But he did avoid answering my question on several occasions and I feel that this was because they are a little dishonest at Putting up the prices on existing customers doesn't seem like a very good long-term strategy to me. But judge for yourself:

Robert: I have just been sent a hosting renewal reminder. Looking at the invoice it is for $115. And yet last year it cost me $85.54 and if I was a new custtomer I would be paying $95.88. Why am I being asked to pay more?

You are now speaking with David of Sales Department.

David: Hello

Robert: Hello, I have just been sent a hosting renewal reminder. Looking at the invoice it is for $115. And yet last year it cost me $85.54 and if I was a new custtomer I would be paying $95.88. Why am I being asked to pay more?

David: May I please have your client ID in order to identify your account?

Robert: I have last years payment order of: Payment Order ID: *********** and the email address is :
Robert: Client ID: ******

David: ok, just a second let me check

Robert: Hello?

David: when you purchased the hosting plan it was on a promotion and now the renewal price is $143 exclusive of VAT

Robert: So, why is it cheaper to buy as a new customer then?

David: this is a company policy

David: but if you want to get the cheaper price you may sign up for a new account and move your files

Robert: you actually have a policy that says 'rip off your existing client base'. That is not a very good policy.

David: I am sorry it is our managers decision

David: would you be willing to move to a new account to get the cheaper price?

Robert: I suspect you will be changing managers with hosting as commoditised as it is. Anyway, are you linked to any other companies? Do you do the hosting for anyone else?

Robert: Hello?

David: just a second

David: we are an independent company

David: could you please clarify what do you mean by "Do you do the hosting for anyone else?"

Robert: Well, sometimes hosting companies have different trading names. As I'm going to be looking for a new host, I don't want to sign up with another company only to find out it's you guys.

David: ok, if you renew now I will be able to offer you a discount and you could pay the regular price on the home page

Robert: No thanks. Although, it will take me an afternoon to re-route all the domains and set them up somewhere else, I'll invest in the time. I'm sorry but I think your company is unethical. I'm not blaming you personally, but your company is trying to rip me off when it should be rewarding me for loyalty. Anyway, do you have any other trading names?

David: ok, what would you consider to be an ethical deal? What would be the price you believe it is fair to renew at?

David: is there a way to keep you as our customer?

Robert: The same price I purchased or at least the price that anyone can sign up at. There shouldn't be a penalty for having done business with you previously. But, I am not going to renew. It's not right. But I really would appreciate that trading name information.

David: so if I give you the same price you purchased the hosting plan for you will still not be interested to renew, is that correct?

Robert: That is correct. I'd only have to go theough this next year.

David: what do you mean?

Robert: You will try and rip me off again.

David: no, we won't, I will leave a comment in the system that you are not using that much resources and your renewal price should be $71.88+ $13.66 VAT

David: you just have to contact us prior to renewing to lower your price

David: after all we do want to keep our customers happy

David: and I believe your request is reasonable

David: and since I am allowed to make such type of discounts I will be glad to offer you this

David: this will at least save you half a day of moving

David: what do you think about that?

David: Are you still there?

David: I am closing this chat for inactivity, if you decide to accept this offer feel free to contact us again and we will offer you to renew at the price you purchased the plan for

Robert: No, I think I'll be moving on.

David: sure, this is your own decision and we appreciate it

David: Is there anything else I could help you with?

David: I will be closing the chat now let us know if you have any other questions by reopening a chat window

David: have a nice day

David: bye bye

Your party has left this session.

Robert: Well, I did ask for the names of any other companies you were trading as?

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