GigaPros positive review #37348 by Fredrick Schwab (rickfred@d...)

GigaPros got a positive review on
123 Rameshwar Nilay, 2nd Floor, Napier Town
Jabalpur , MP 482001
☎ Phone +91 18777764442
Customer review #37348
Fredrick Schwab ( rickfred@d... )
Time Hosted 3 to 6 months
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
Fantastic host. Very prompt and thorough.

We have not had to use their support often, but when we do, we have never had a response take longer than 15-20 minutes. This is darn fast compared to our old host that would take over 8 hours. Gigapros has a solid service and we have recommended them to several of our colleagues who very happy with their service as well.

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