Easy Hosting negative review #35812 by -anonymous- on Jun 2018

Easy Hosting got a negative review on
Easy Hosting
Toronto , ON
☎ Phone 1-888-390-1210
Customer review #35812
-anonymous- ( -hidden- )
Time Hosted over 3 years
Global rating
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I'm a web developer and recently I got a small project migrating from PHP 5.6 to 7 for a website that's been hosted with Easyhosting for over 5 years. Because the website broke down after it was upgraded to PHP 7, the host switched it to PHP 5.6 temporarily. When I finished updating the code we asked them to switch back to PHP 7. Oh my, that was only the beginning of problems. Immediately phpMyAdmin became inaccessible. The support asked us to REINSTALL phpMyAdmin which is ridiculous, it's not a VPS plan but a hosting shared with 11K (!!!) other websites on the same server. Eventually phpMyAdmin was fixed. I coded a form that sends an email and makes database calls. The mail server keeps breaking down and the worst part is that the mail server will respond to you saying that email was sent but it DOES NOT actually send it. And on top of that all of a sudden the server stopped accepting POST requests - keeps responding with 500 Internal server error. I have never had problems like this with any other webhost. I have tested the same code with another webhost and it works like a charm. Needless to say that they are OVERpriced.

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