Award Space negative review #24709 by Pete (critter748@h...) on 2013

Award Space got a negative review on
Award Space
Schauenburgerstr. 116
Kiel , SH 24118
☎ Phone +49 431 2207240
Customer review #24709
Pete ( critter748@h... )
Time Hosted 6 mo. to 1 year
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
Administratos who cant see screen shots

After 6 months with Awardspace :.. Well "Awardspace sucks"

My site has "Aperantely" used 5Gig of data in the first 2 days of the month of May, and because of that it's been suspended. But from history, data usage has been in the 100MB's nowhere near the what Awardspace tells me.

What's also interesting is their Traffic Monitoring System show's my site only has used 40MB in total.

Contacting Support, with Screen shots is a joke. They are just don't understand it, or most likely don’t’ want to admit something sus is going on.

I have noticed (and who wouldn't with the amount of adds in the Control Panel) Awardspace has a special of $1.99 for a year hosting with Unlimited Storage and Traffic. After a year it appears to be in the $30+ something! So are they trying to get me to sign up for $1.99 then at the end of the year charge me a whooping $30. This doesn't look to be a honest hosting company anymore.

Good Luck to the new comers’ you should wait 6 months before posting a review.

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