Servage negativo revisión #21339 por junkbox (is@a...) en oct 2012

Servage consiguió un negativo revisión en
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Revisión del cliente #21339
junkbox ( is@a... )
Tiempo alojado más de 3 años
Calificación global
Precio de coste
Relación con el cliente
Panel de control
Meh...I guess I don't care if they don't.

First off, you get what you pay for. I understand that fully and do not expect to have 10star service or features at that price. However, it is a business and my customer satisfaction level with them is extremely low. I can remember at least 5 times in the past 5 years that their servers have in one way or another been compromised. My accounts and services have been shut down periodically due to "suspicious activity" but when questioned as to what this activity or suspicious files actually are the always canned response is "We don't know figure it out yourself" For instance I had a supposed phishing script that was using php's mail function from one of my domains...supposedly.
So I ask for the email header so I can determine where it's coming from and narrow down the possibilities.
To that I was sent a header with no identifying information except the originating IP, which as stated is a shared hosting account.
My reply:
"Unfortunately there is not enough information in the email sent to me {id:xxxx353} to properly diagnose the problem if in fact one does exist. I don't know what domain this supposed malicious script is from or what account or anything. Please specify what email address on which domain is the originator of this message so I can verify."
Their reply:
"I am sorry to say that it is difficult for us to determine the domain name at the moment. Thank you! :)"
So as a test I just told em I fixed it and made up some crap about what I did and asked they turn it back on...they did...wierd no more phishing mails.
Another of their favorites is "We do understand your concern regarding the issue but it is not possible to provide you the server logs." So anytime you know someone is exploiting your site through what could only be a vulnerability in their infrastructure you're not even give the courtesy of access logs to find out quickly what malicious file is being accessed and from where to block it. They would actually be doing themselves a favor by providing this.
Most recently (yesterday) one of my Joomla sites was refusing to display. So I log on to their "control panel" to see what was going on and all, yes all of the files ending in *.php in the Joomla directory (and all subdirectories) were gone...disappeared gone. OK so I look to see if anyone had logged into my control panel and all access was from my few IP's I use. OK so the deletion must have been done either a. locally or b. via FTP. So once again it having been a year or so since the phpmail incident I kindly requested access to my accounts FTP logs so I could see when and from where and what account was used for these deletions. Again: "Due to the clustered structure of our systems there is no single log file for you to use as your site is served by many servers."
My reply: "So you guys don’t keep FTP logs? How is that even remotely secure? I realize that it is a clustered environment as I administer a few of them myself, but that doesn’t preclude the ability to log FTP access. "

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