ServInt President Christian Dawson steps down after 17 years logo📅 - ServInt President Christian Dawson concludes his seventeen year tenure at the leading hosting company with the announcement that he has stepped down from his position as President effective July 31, 2015.

Dawson, who is based in Washington DC, joined ServInt in 1998 upon graduation from university. He has held several positions during his seventeen-year tenure from Director of Business Development to President. During this time, Dawson has helped grow ServInt into one of the premier global cloud web hosting organizations and a recognized world-leader in managed Internet services.

Dawson states: “I was fortunate to be able to spend the first few decades of my career at a company that allowed me to create excellent products, push the boundaries of innovation and gain hands on experience with the issues of the world-wide Internet community.”

Dawson was part of a core team at ServInt that launched the world's first commercial enterprise-focused VPS product, and he has helped advance many popular causes in the Internet infrastructure community around such diverse subjects as green hosting initiatives, Internet philanthropy, Internet freedom activism, multistakeholderism and diversity in the technical workplace. Mr. Dawson is also co-founder of the Internet infrastructure industry's trade association, i2Coalition. He is Chairman of this organization, a position he will continue to hold upon departing from ServInt. In addition, Mr. Dawson will be consulting on issues related to the broader Internet infrastructure industry.

“We thank and honor Christian for his tremendous service for the last 18 years. He helped build ServInt into a world-class organization and has made a tremendous impact on the lives of its employees and clients,” said Reed J. Caldwell, CEO and Founder of ServInt. “Christian is leaving us in a strong and exciting position to move toward our continued goals of providing excellence in managed web hosting services to our enterprise clients.”

“It has been an incredible privilege and personally gratifying for me to have been a leader at ServInt for the last 17 years and to have worked side by side with Reed Caldwell,” Dawson continues. “I've been surrounded by an incredible team at ServInt. I'm confident that with this team in place the mission of the company will continue to thrive,”

ServInt Chief Operating Officer William Goss will assume most of Dawson's duties on August 3, 2015. Dawson will remain a consultant to the company for a period of time to ensure a smooth transition.

About ServInt

ServInt is a pioneering provider of high-reliability, managed cloud hosting services for businesses worldwide. Founded in Northern Virginia in 1995, ServInt provides a range of IaaS, PaaS, VPS and dedicated server packages to online businesses in more than 130 countries. To learn more about ServInt's cloud, VPS and dedicated hosting solutions, please call 1-800-573-7846 from the USA, +1-703-847-1381 from outside the USA or visit Lee: 1318 | Categoría: General | Fuente: TheHN : The Hosting News
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