Virtual Density Deploys in vXchnge’s Westchester Data Center logo📅 - Virtual Density, a Cloud computing and managed IT Services Company, has deployed within vXchnge‘s Westchester, New York data center. Virtual Density is one of many Cloud providers that vXchnge, a carrier-neutral colocation services provider, has added throughout its network of data centers, providing additional value to its ecosystem.

Virtual Density provides data center support services, Cloud storage, managed backup and disaster recovery, email, archiving and IT support to small, mid-sized and enterprise businesses, enabling instant and secure scalability. vXchnge's Westchester facility delivers a diverse marketplace that ensures reliable choice and services. Customers are given the option to access Virtual Density's services to reduce operational costs and to securely bring their own business to the Cloud.

“Unlike other data centers we have worked with in the New York metro area, vXchnge's Westchester facility is uniquely able to handle our dynamic growth requirements in high-density computing and keep things running smoothly for our clients,” said Chris Furey, Managing Partner and CTO of Virtual Density. “As an IT firm focused solely on Cloud Services, we need a secure environment that allows us to easily scale, and vXchnge provides all that and more.”

Strategically located within an hour of Manhattan, vXchnge's Westchester facility is ideally situated close to New York City for those businesses that require geographic diversity and reach. The data center provides N+1 and 2N power distribution redundancy to future-proof business growth, and reduces total cost of ownership by enabling customers to deploy high-density applications.

“As a leading carrier-neutral colocation supplier, we are dedicated to providing both our emerging and global customers with a secure and reliable ecosystem that enables business growth,” said Ernest Sampera, Chief Marketing Officer at vXchnge. “vXchnge's team boasts over 150 years of experience delivering operational excellence, allowing Virtual Density to focus solely on growing their businesses,” he added.

To learn more about vXchnge, visit For more information on its data center facilities, visit

About vXchnge

vXchnge is a leading carrier-neutral colocation services provider dedicated to improving the business performance of its customers. vXchnge's broad geographic footprint puts its customers at “the Edge” – in 15 locations where they can serve customers locally and reach more businesses and consumers, in more markets. For more information on gaining an edge, visit or connect on Twitter and LinkedIn.

About Virtual Density

Founded in 2008 as the first “pure-play” Cloud Services Provider (CSP), Virtual Density provides enterprise-class server hosting, virtual desktops, IT backup & disaster recovery, managed helpdesk, cloud storage and IP networking services for small, mid-sized and enterprise customers throughout the United States. Services are provided to customers from Tier-3 and Tier-4 datacenters in New York, Connecticut, Virginia, Texas, California, Amsterdam and Sydney. For more information visit Lee: 1228 | Categoría: General | Fuente: TheHN : The Hosting News
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Empresa: VXchnge

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