Blue Host Negativ Bewertungen #685 durch Adam (Adam@I...) auf 2006

Blue Host hat ein Negativ Bewertungen auf
Blue Host
10 Corporate Drive, Suite #300
Burlington , MA 01803
☎ Telefon 888-401-4678
Kundenbewertung #685
Adam ( Adam@I... )
Zeit Gehostet unter 1 Monat
Globale Bewertung
Preis Kosten
Bluehost is a scam and a fraud...

Boy do I have a nightmare story to tell you, a couple of months ago I was looking for website builder to build a website dedicated to my family I and stumbled upon one called bluevoda, it was a free download, so I naturally took advantage of the offer. Over the course of the next few weeks I proceeded to build my website with this bluevoda and I eventually got pretty good at it. Then I discovered to my novice surprise that I needed something called web hosting. I went to Google and typed in bluevoda and very pleasantly the first thing that came up was a advertisement that said bluevoda web hosting by a company called bluehost, I then proceeded t go to the bluehost site to purchase my web hosting. (this is the very first time I ever purchased anything on the internet. I am 77 years old with 8 grand kids and 14 great grand kids one leg, I left the other leg in Korea during the war. But that is whole different story).

Anyway, I got my welcome letter from bluehost with all the access codes and tried to publish my website, it did not work, I contacted bluehost customer support and told them this, they said that I was doing it wrong and maybe publishing with bluevoda was bit difficult and I should switch to another website builder they offer.

I thought o myself, how difficult can publishing be? The hard part was learning to use the software and building the dam website, on the bluevoda website said one click publishing. I told the customer support guy this and he kept saying and insisting that they had bluevoda for advance users and I should switch to there other website builder. I kept telling him that I was 77 years old and I did not want to waste 4 weeks of work for nothing. I insisted that he helped me publish and he kept telling me to switch to there other website builder.

This is where the alarm bells went off in my head.

So I got my son the lawyer involved who is very internet savvy and much smarter than me and quickly learned that.

1) Bluehost does not own bluevoda.
2) Bluehost does not support bluevoda.
3) Bluehost engages in false adverting on Google to trick you into thinking they own Bluevoda.
4) Bluevoda is owned by a company called Vodahost.
5) Bluevoda only works with VodaHost.

Bluehost is using false advertising old bait and switch tactic to trick suckers like me into thinking they own bluevoda, when in fact they have no relationship with bluevoda and they are scamming and conning people because bluevoda and bluehost both have the word blue in there name, Why does bluehost advertise “bluevoda webs hosting”? because they are scammers that’s why…I contacted owners of bluevoda a company called Vodahost and told them my lovely story and they gave me a years web hosting for free and a free domain name, I spoke to a very nice gentlemen called Brad and he said bluehost does this all the time. They trick old people in to thinking they own bluevoda when in reality they don’t own squat.

Bluehost you did give me my money back immediately upon request but you took my dignity.

Thank you a Brad and Vodahost for giving me back my dignity.

Semper Fi

PS. bluehost you humiliated an old man marine who in his final days wanted to leave something for his family. I will post this all over the internet, the wall of the Veterans Association and take a copy of it to my grave. I will not forgive you.

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