9月 10, 2008 : A2 Launches Green Initiative

a2hosting.com 商标📅 - Web hosting company A2 Hosting (a2hosting.com 👉 总评价: 143
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) announced on Tuesday it has recently launched FutureServe Green Hosting (http://www.a2hosting.com/services/green-hosting).

The 'green' initiative helps to further A2 Hosting's role in protecting and improving ecological conditions for current and future generations, says the company.

"We decided to develop FutureServe because we felt it was the best way to reduce our environmental impact and continue to act as a responsible business," says Bryan Muthig, CEO of A2 Hosting. "We are very excited to provide FutureServe to our customers to do our part to ensure a healthy environment for future generations."

The company's FutureServe initiative comprises of three main divisions. First, A2 Hosting has partnered with carbon offsetting organization CarbonFund (http://www.carbonfund.org),  which enables the web host to offset server carbon emissions while contributing to CarbonFund projects like reforestation and the development of renewable, efficient energy.

Second, A2 Hosting participates in environmentally friendly practices, which include telecommuting to reduce carbon emissions from daily commutes, the recycling of older hosting equipment, and eliminating the use of paper towels, styrofoam cups and plastic cups in its office.

Finally, the company says it uses a range of energy efficient hosting equipment, including low voltage Xeon processors, power efficient DDR2 memory and power saving hard drives.

Web hosting provider Hostivia also launched a new 'green' initiative a couple weeks ago to lower its environmental impact, outlining its use of energy efficient servers and purchasing energy from solar panel-powered Nevada Power.

Ann Arbor, Michigan-based A2 Hosting offers a range of Linux based web hosting services, while supporting technologies such as PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby on Rails, and MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.

Last month, FutureServe released its new data backup technology called Server Rewind that automatically creates "snapshot" backups of a client's server and site every few hours.

a2hosting.com 读: 2263 | 类别: General | 资源: TheWHIR : Web Host Industry Reviews

公司: A2hosting

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