Outreach Program for Latin America VideoConference Event, [...]

Outreach Program for Latin America VideoConference Event, Wednesday, October 4, 2006

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09:00 - 15:15Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras
10:00 - 16:15Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru
11:00 - 17:15Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Venezuela
12:00 - 18:15Argentina and Brazil
13:00 - 19:15Uruguay

ICANN undertakes different partnership and information sharing activities to all stakeholders; including governments. This proposal seeks to complement those activities with a regional session, the purpose of which is to provide a greater understanding of what ICANN is. This session aims to provide information and participation opportunities to all stakeholders, in particular governments, with a special focus on developing countries in Latin America.


  1. Bring greater understanding to stakeholders in Latin America of what ICANN is responsible for and how to participate in the GAC;
  2. Through greater participation, awareness and capacity building, better response to specific issues of regional interest;
  3. Identify means for addressing improved participation in ICANN from developing countries.

This event has been co-organized with UNAM, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, and will be transmitted via videoconference from different locations in Latin America. A webcast will also be available.

If you, or your organization, has access to a videoconference facility and would like to connect to the event, please contact Fabián Romo, the technical coordinator of the event at: josefrz@servidor.unam.mx.

The program and means to access the webcast of the event are available at the following website: http://www.unam.mx/sociedadinformacion/.

读: 2325 | 类别: Domain Names | 资源: ICANN : Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
网址来源: http://www.icann.org/announcements/announcement-27sep06.htm
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