Enetica .com .net .org, AUD 39,00/ Yıl. üzerinde Etki

.com .net .org durduruldu ( eklendi), Toplam Puan (1 dışında 10 itibaren 1 yorumlar)
L3, Suite 301 62 Norwest Blvd
Baulkham Hills , NSW 2153
☎ Telefon 1300 720 043
☎ Telefon +61 2 8894 1010
📠 Faks +61 2 8072 6890

enetica.com.au etkin değil ancak adresine yönlendirildi vodien.com.au
  • 💡 Plan Adı: .com .net .org (sku #p49213)
  • 🔧 Kategori: Etki
  • 💰 Fiyat:AUD 39,00/ Yıl.Durdurulan
  • 💿 Disk Alanı: -
  • 📶 Trafik bant genişliği: -
  • 💲 Kurulum ücreti: beleş
💳 Ödeme metodları :Kredi / Bankamatik / Ön Ödemeli Kartlar
✍️ Destek Seçenekleri :E-postaYardım MasasıTelefon / Ücretsiz
ekran görüntüsü .com .net .org itibaren enetica.com.au

Orijinal plan URL’si şuydu http://www.enetica.com.au/default.cgi?action=products

📜 Plan açıklaması

Domain types available from Enetica
.com.au .net.au $69/2years
.asn.au .org.au .id.au $39/2years
.com .net .org $39/2years
.biz .info $49/2years
.co.nz .net.nz .org.nz $69/year

.com.au is used by commercial entities such as companies with an Australian Company Number and businesses registered with State governments.

.net.au is recommended for organisations and companies that are using the Internet as an integral part of their operations

.asn.au is for incorporated associations, trade unions, political parties, sporting and special interest clubs, and partnerships between disparate organisations.

.org.au is for verifiable non-profit and charitable organisations.
.id.au is reserved for the people of Australia to create their own online identity.

Domain Parking

Domain parking gives your domain a temporary home while you work out what you want to do with your domain name. Its similar to URL forwarding - but designed for those who don't actually have an existing website URL, and simply want a placeholder page.

Domain parking is FREE with all domains registered or renewed through Enetica
Premium URL Forwarding

URL forwarding (also known as URL cloaking) lets you point your domain to your existing web space without spending a cent on hosting. For example, if you registered the domain name mycompany.com, you make www.mycompany.com point to another URL - say, one hosted with your ISP - or even a free hosting service such as geocities.

The advantage of this, is that you can get rid of your long URL address, such as:
and replace it with your own brand without spending a cent on web hosting. With our unique Premium URL management facility, you can specify where to point your domain as well as providing a title and META tags for search engines. Our system is totally invisible to your visitors, we do not place any advertising on your web site. The Premium URL forwarding features are accessible from the domain 'manage' menu.

Even if you have your website hosted, our Premium URL Forwarding package will give you up to 10 different sub domains. For example, if your domain was sport.com.au, you could have subdomains like tennis.sport.com.au, footy.sport.com.au, swimming.sport.com.au etc.
Premium URL forwarding is FREE with all domains registered or renewed through Enetica
DNS Hosting

DNS Hosting is perfect for any domain owner who wants complete control of their domain. Our fully automated DNS Hosting service allows you to control your dns records through our already existing domain management area.

Using this service you can update / insert / delete Domain Servers (A Records), Domain Aliases (CNAME Records) and Mail Servers (MX Records) of your own accord. DNS Hosting is an extremely valuable tool, and we urge you to take advantage of it.

DNS Hosting is FREE with all domains registered or renewed through Enetica

📉 Aynı kategorideki ve ülkedeki diğer şirketlerden benzer barındırma planları ≡

  • Suncoast Hosting
    suncoasthosting.com.au logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating6.588.595

    • 💡 Plan: .com
    • 🔧 Kategori: Etki
    • 💰 Fiyat: AUD 33,00/yr.
    • 💲 Kurulum ücreti: beleş
    • 📅 Eklendi:
    • ekran görüntüsü .com itibaren suncoasthosting.com.au
    1 Year
    1 Year
    1 Year
    1 Year
    1 Year
  • Host away.net.au
    hostaway.net.au logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating2.531.957

    • 💡 Plan: .com
    • 🔧 Kategori: Etki
    • 💰 Fiyat: AUD 33,00/yr. KDV 10% hariç
    • 💲 Kurulum ücreti: beleş
    • 📅 Eklendi:
    • ekran görüntüsü .com itibaren hostaway.net.au
    .net $33 AUD / year
    .info $33 AUD / year
    .org $33 AUD / year
    .biz $33 AUD / year
    .eu $88 AUD / year
    .asia $66 AUD / year
  • Melbourne IT
    melbourneit.au logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating440.179
    👤 Kullanıcı oyu 👉 Toplam Yorum: 21
    🙌 Ortalama puanı: 1 / 10
    👍 İyi eleştiriler: 0
    👎 Kötü yorumlar: 21
    👈 Resmi cevaplar: 0

    • 💡 Plan: .com
    • 🔧 Kategori: Etki
    • 💰 Fiyat: AUD 79,00/yr. 10% KDV dahil
    • 💲 Kurulum ücreti: beleş
    • 📅 Eklendi:
    • 📆 Güncellenmiş:
    • Toplam Puan (1 dışında 10 itibaren 4 yorumlar)
    • ekran görüntüsü .com itibaren melbourneit.au
    .com, .org $79.00 /yr
    .net $81.00/yr
    .info, .biz/yr
    .mobi $102.50/yr
    .name $70.95/yr
    .travel $295.00/yr
    .xxx $160.00/yr
    .asia $84.99/yr
    Features and benefits available for every [...]
  • Suncoast Hosting
    suncoasthosting.com.au logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating6.588.595

    • 💡 Plan: .com.au
    • 🔧 Kategori: Etki
    • 💰 Fiyat: AUD 89,00/yr.
    • 💲 Kurulum ücreti: beleş
    • 📅 Eklendi:
    • ekran görüntüsü .com.au itibaren suncoasthosting.com.au
    1 Year
    1 Year
    1 Year
    1 Year
    1 Year