Top 10 Web Hosting Christmas Island 🔟

CX country flagWHTop team maintain a unique list of Top 10 webhosting companies (out of 0 listed) targeting Christmas Island, compared by their Alexa Rank. Christmas Island current population is 2,205 ( #232 in the world) with 790 internet users (35.8% of population and #217 globally). This list is updated often (last update 18 Apr, 2024) and gives you a unbiased & impartial information about best web hosting in Christmas Island (including reviews from users/customers).

Domains column indicates the approximate domains hosted and the last trend (positive or negative). Keep mouse over the Profile percentage circle and User Rating stars for more details!

Christmas Island - Top 10 Best Website Hosting, April 2024

There are no companies targeting this country!

🔘 Official NIC / Registrar for .cx country code top-level domain (ccTLD)

Things done
Note: Company descriptions is short. Recommended 1000 chars
Company address location is complete
Company phone/fax is added
Note: Add a promotion or coupon

Things to do
Twitter and Facebook accounts are missing
"About page" URL or "Contact page" URLs are missing
Forum, Blog/Announcements, Knowledgebase or FAQ URLs are missing
Products (plans) are missing
Christmas Island Domain Administration Limited

Website info

CXDA is one of a dozen ccTLDs that have adopted the CoCCA AUP - based policy framework and utilise the CoCCA CRS. This framework addresses not only rights to a particular text string ( domain ) but the registrant's use of that string. Policies apply recursively and are applicable not only to the domains in the registry but apply equally to any subordinate domain created by the registrant. The CoCCA CRS addresses not only rights to a particular domain but also the registrant's use of that [...]
Whois URL:
Estimated registered .cx domains: 11,898
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📣 Latest tweets mentioning Christmas Island

📖 Latest blogs mentioning Christmas Island Icon 🏆 Alexa 611,278 - 📅 - Christmas Islanders (.cx) Domains - The country code top-level domain for Christmas Island is .cx. Register a .cx domain if you are interested in nature as this Australian island located within the Indian Ocean has many unique species of flora and fauna. Icon 🏆 Alexa 57,014 - 📅 - Discount on .CX domain names - The Christmas Islands (CX) domain names are on sale until August! Icon 🏆 Alexa 142,050 - 📅 - Price increase for .cx, .tl, .fm and .net domains - The registry for .cx (Christmas Island) and .tl (Timor-Leste) will increase the registration fees for the specified TLDs on the 15th of January 2014. Therefore, our existing .cx and .tl price levels will be adjusted accordingly. We hope for your ...