Co-Location, GMD (la cerere) pe Colocare

Co-Location a fost întrerupt (adăugat )
3 Nelson Mandela Street
☎ Telefon +220 4229999 este o companie de găzduire web inactivă!
  • 💡 Nume plan: Co-Location (sku #p99617)
  • 🔧 Categorie: Colocare găzduire
  • 💰 Preț:GMD (la cerere)Întrerupt
  • 💿 Spațiu Pe Disc: -
  • 📶 Lățimea de bandă a traficului: nemăsurat
  • 💲 Taxă instalare: gratuit
📌 IP-uri dedicate :0
💳 Metode de plată :Carduri de credit / debit / preplătite
✍️ Opţiunile de asistenţă :E-mailHelp DeskTelefon / Număr gratuit
🌏 Locații server :Gambia
captură de ecran a Co-Location din

Adresa URL originală a planului era

📜 Descriere plan

Gamtel offers co-location service to other operators/ISPs and institutions that would require our infrastructure. This is in the form of fibre infrastructure (open access), land space, towers/masts, equipment hosting etc.

These co-location facilities offer the customer a secure place to physically house their hardware and equipment, backup power generators and 24/7 security guard in all our sites.

Reduced maintenance and operational costs for sites, such as direct saving in energy consumption

Build a long term symbiotic relationship with our co-locator

📉 Planuri de găzduire similare de la alte companii din aceeași categorie și locație în țară ≡

  • logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating3.291.013

    • 💡 Plan: Web Design
    • 🔧 Categorie: Design pagini web
    • 💰 Preț: GMD (la cerere)
    • 💲 Taxă instalare: gratuit
    • 📅 Adăugat:
    • captură de ecran a Web Design din
    The content and design of your Web Site is critical. Its the reason someone would visit you in the first place. More people will see your website than will walk into your building and so a first [...]