Webhost 4Life negative review #9507 by Rob Nicholson (rob@r...)

Webhost 4Life got a negative review on
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Customer review #9507
Rob Nicholson ( rob@r... )
Time Hosted 2 to 3 years
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
WebHost4Life have completely and utterly cocked up the migration of my pretty standard ASP.NET website to their new platform. I have just raised 10 support calls with various problems and not had one reply back yet.

The biggest cock-up? Copying an *old* version of my website to the new server. It's gone back a version. Fortunately, I don't trust anyone and have backups of source.

Second cock-up? Not making it perfectly clear that IP address would change and therefore if you manage your own DNS, it would still point to the old site, so now one has two databases... fortunately, old site is still live so can get copy of old database

Third cock-up? Subdomains don't work anymore. Have a subdomain http://backdoor.whatpub.org pointing to "/live" folder. It opens the first page but the standard reponse.redirect("~/main.aspx") doesn't work. Opens http://backdoor.whatpub.org/live/main.aspx" and not just http://backdoor.whatpub.org/main.aspx. Big showstopper!

And the list goes on...

Avoid at all costs right now.


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