Average 10 out of 10
Total reviews: 2
Recommended by: 2
Opposed: 0
Official responses: 0


Rdk Revenue Review 2025. Is rdkrevenue.pw good web hosting in Sri Lanka?

2 user reviews; 0 support responses; 0 testimonials; 28 products, 1 promotion, 6 social accounts, Alexa #2854644; 📆 listed 2020 (#29756)
Rdk Revenue
67, Kurukuattala, Kadugannawa
Kandy , CENTRAL 20300
☎ Phone +94-077-276-6824 [support]
☎ Phone +1-857-346-0376 [sales]

Website language(s): en
🏆 Semrush Rating new 0 👤 User Rating 🙌 Average 10 out of 10
👉 Total reviews: 2
👍 Recommended by: 2
👎 Opposed: 0
🤝 Official responses: 0

💰 Price Range $ 0.99 - $ 219.99⏰ Support 24x7
💳 Payment Options Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards, PayPal
🏆 SEO MOZ Authority 7/36🔗 Links 727
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Forum, Blog/Announcements, Knowledgebase or FAQ URLs are added
Products (plans) are added, but some are not updated from over 2 years
Promotions are added, but some are not updated from over 2 years

Things to do
"About page" URL or "Contact page" URLs are missing

👪 Most Recent Customer Reviews

-anonymous- (roshanmichal@e...) / lobellayka.com
⏳ Time Hosted: 3 to 6 months
Global rating
😁 rdkrevenue has provider ultimate services for us, before we join the rdkrevenue server our website running 23/100 after we have migrated to the rdkrevenue server website running on 99/100, cor plan we have got additionally office365, vpn, seo tools, malware proctiations tools etc. we are highly recomanding for this company. excellent support services
rdkrevenue.pw logo

📄 Overview

🔧 Services: Web HostingDomain Registration Own datacenter

📜 About Rdk Revenue

RDK REVENUE is a leader in High-Speed Shared Hosting, Cloud, Reseller, VPS and Dedicated Server Hosting Provider.

RDKR is Group of Company he has providing such services for our customer New Domain registrations. Office 365 / G-Suite (Business email) any kind of Business email support. Cheap Licenses services as per the customer requirement.

Built using proprietary technology, RDK REVENUE operates a private cloud with solid state drives, high availability bandwidth, and powerful Intel/ AMD processors. Customers enjoy increased page load and 100% uptime with LiteSpeed web server and Nginx , With 14 datacenter

Built by a group of experienced Internet Entrepreneurs, RDK REVENUE is also known for its coaching and training Startup Blog with hundreds of video tutorials that teach website monetization, hosting configuration, and the latest in digital marketing Remote Support.

Our Customer Support 24/7 365 Days Live and call/ Remote Support Services.

Founded in 2013, RDK REVENUE has Stared small web Development Company Now we are in 7 Country 13 Sector , Hosting, Medical, Accounting, Etc..

📢 Special pages

rdkrevenue.pw screenshot
Website research for Rdk Revenue on July 25, 2024 by WebHostingTop

🎁 Promotions

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📤 Rdk Revenue Website Products

🔧 Shared - 💻 Linux Keep mouse
over features!
💰Price💿 Disk space 📶 Transfer 📆 Updated🆓 Free domain /
🔌 Allowed
Basic features💳 Payment Methods : Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards
🔨 Control Panel : CPanel
🔧 Category : Backup, VPN, CDN, Wordpress, Website Builder
🔌 Hosted domains : 3
🆓 Free domains : 1
📌 Dedicated IPs : 0

screenshot of Basic from rdkrevenue.pw20 GB SSD
3 Websites
99.99% Uptime
Unmetered Bandwidth
Free Domain .Com or .ICU
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/shared-hosting/
$0.99/mo.unlimited SSDunmetered 1 / 3
Professional features💳 Payment Methods : Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards
🔨 Control Panel : CPanel
🔧 Category : Backup, CDN, Wordpress, Website Builder, E-Commerce
🔌 Hosted domains : Unlimited
🆓 Free domains : 1
📌 Dedicated IPs : 0

screenshot of Professional from rdkrevenue.pw20 GB SSD
Unlimited Websites
99.99% Uptime
Unmetered Bandwidth
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/shared-hosting/
$3.99/mo.unlimited SSDunmetered 1 / unlimited
Ultimate features💳 Payment Methods : PayPal
🔨 Control Panel : CPanel
🔧 Category : Backup, DNS, CDN, Wordpress, Website Builder, E-Commerce
🔌 Hosted domains : Unlimited
🆓 Free domains : 1
📌 Dedicated IPs : 0

screenshot of Ultimate from rdkrevenue.pw150 GB SSD
Unlimited Websites
99.99% Uptime
Unmetered Bandwidth
Free Domain 1 Year Plan (New Offer)
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/shared-hosting/
$12.99/mo.unlimited SSDunmetered 1 / unlimited
Corporate features💳 Payment Methods : Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards
🔨 Control Panel : CPanel
🔧 Category : Backup, DNS, VPN, CDN, Seo Hosting, Wordpress, Website Builder, File Sharing, E-Commerce
🔌 Hosted domains : Unlimited
🆓 Free domains : 1
📌 Dedicated IPs : 1

screenshot of Corporate from rdkrevenue.pwUnlimited SSD
Unlimited Websites
99.99% Uptime
Unmetered Bandwidth
Free Domain 1 Year Plan (New Offer)
Free Premium DNS
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/shared-hosting/
$26.99/mo.unlimited SSDunmetered 1 / unlimited
🔧 Dedicated - 💻 Linux/Windows Keep mouse
over features!
💰Price💿 Disk space 📶 Transfer 📆 Updated🔋 RAM /
📌 Dedicated IPs
Xeon E3-1230v2 features💳 Payment Methods : Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards, PayPal
🔋 RAM : 16000 MB
💪 CPU : 4 c / 8 t-3.3GHz / 3.7GHz
🔌 Hosted domains : Unlimited
📌 Dedicated IPs : 1

screenshot of Xeon E3-1230v2 from rdkrevenue.pw4 c / 8 t-3.3GHz / 3.7GHz<\
16GB RAM<\
480GB SSD or 2TB SATA<\
1Gbps Unmetered<\
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/clientarea/index.php?rp=/store/dedicatedserver-b
$94.87/mo.480 GB SSD1 TB 16 GB / 1
Xeon E3-1230v2_Dallas features💳 Payment Methods : Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards, PayPal
🔋 RAM : 16000 MB
💪 CPU : 4 c / 8 t-3.3GHz / 3.7GHz
🔌 Hosted domains : Unlimited
📌 Dedicated IPs : 1

screenshot of Xeon E3-1230v2_Dallas from rdkrevenue.pw
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/clientarea/index.php?rp=/store/dedicatedserver-b
$94.87/mo.480 GB SSD1 TB 16 GB / 1
Xeon E3-1231v3_Tokyo features💳 Payment Methods : Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards, PayPal
🔋 RAM : 16000 MB
💪 CPU : 4 c / 8 t-3.5GHz / 3.9GHz
🔌 Hosted domains : Unlimited
📌 Dedicated IPs : 1

screenshot of Xeon E3-1231v3_Tokyo from rdkrevenue.pw4 c / 8 t-3.5GHz / 3.9GHz
1Gbps Unmetered
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/clientarea/index.php?rp=/store/dedicatedserver-b
$96.87/mo.1000 GB SAS1 TB 16 GB / 1
🔧 Colocation Keep mouse
over features!
💰Price 📶 Transfer 📆 Updated📌 Dedicated IPs
1U, 1.75” Height features💳 Payment Methods : Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards, PayPal

screenshot of 1U, 1.75” Height from rdkrevenue.pwRack Space: 1U, 1.75” Height
Power: 2 Amps, 120V AC
Bandwidth: 15TB
Network: GigE Port
24/7 Support & Reboots: Yes
Free Setup: Yes
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/colocation/
$95.99/yr. 15 TB
2U Colocation Plans features💳 Payment Methods : Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards, PayPal

screenshot of 2U Colocation Plans from rdkrevenue.pwRack Space: 2U, 3.50″ Height
Power: 2 Amps, 120V AC
Bandwidth: 15TB
Network: GigE Port
24/7 Support & Reboots: Yes
Free Setup: Yes
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/colocation/
$119.99/yr. 15 TB
4U Colocation Plans features💳 Payment Methods : Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards, PayPal

screenshot of 4U Colocation Plans from rdkrevenue.pwRack Space: 4U, 7.00″ Height
Power: 3 Amps, 120V AC
Bandwidth: 15TB
Network: GigE Port
24/7 Support & Reboots: Yes
Free Setup: Yes
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/colocation/
$219.99/yr. 15 TB
🔧 Reseller - 💻 Linux Keep mouse
over features!
💰Price💿 Disk space 📶 Transfer 📆 Updated🆓 Free domain /
🔌 Allowed
MAX 300 features💳 Payment Methods : Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards, PayPal
🔨 Control Panel : CPanel
🔌 Hosted domains : Unlimited
📌 Dedicated IPs : 1

screenshot of MAX 300 from rdkrevenue.pw300 GB HDD
150 Cpanel Accounts
Unlimited Domains
Unlimited Bandwidth
Free SSL Certificates
Free Migrations
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/clientarea/cart.php?a=add&pid=119
$27.99/mo.300 GBunmetered / unlimited
MAX 700 features💳 Payment Methods : Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards, PayPal
🔨 Control Panel : CPanel
🔧 Category : Backup, Website Builder, File Sharing
🔌 Hosted domains : Unlimited
📌 Dedicated IPs : 1

screenshot of MAX 700 from rdkrevenue.pw700 GB HDD
250 Cpanel Accounts
Unlimited Domains
Unlimited Bandwidth
Free SSL Certificates
Free Migrations
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/clientarea/cart.php?a=add&pid=120
$45.99/mo.700 GBunmetered / unlimited
MAX 1400 features💳 Payment Methods : Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards, PayPal
🔨 Control Panel : CPanel
🔧 Category : Backup, Website Builder, File Sharing
🔌 Hosted domains : Unlimited
📌 Dedicated IPs : 1

screenshot of MAX 1400 from rdkrevenue.pw1400 GB HDD
350 Cpanel Accounts
Unlimited Domains
Unlimited Bandwidth
Free SSL Certificates
Free Migrations
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/clientarea/cart.php?a=add&pid=120
$74.99/mo.1400 GBunmetered / unlimited
🔧 VPS - 💻 Linux Keep mouse
over features!
💰Price💿 Disk space 📶 Transfer 📆 Updated🔋 RAM /
📌 Dedicated IPs
VPS-L2 features💳 Payment Methods : PayPal
🔨 Control Panel : KVM
🔧 Category : DNS, CDN, Green Hosting, Seo Hosting, Fully Managed, Website Builder
🔋 RAM : 2048 MB
💪 CPU : 1 x 2.7 GHz
🔌 Hosted domains : Unlimited
📌 Dedicated IPs : 1

screenshot of VPS-L2 from rdkrevenue.pwProcessor : 1 x 2.7 GHz
RAM : 2048 MB
Disk space: 20GB
Monthly bandwidth:1800 GB Bandwidth
Dedicated IPs : 1
Uptime 99.99
( Access Level : Root / Reseller depending on Server [...]
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/vps-server-usa/
$10.62/mo.20 GB SSD1,800 GB 2 GB / 1
VPS-L4 features💳 Payment Methods : PayPal
🔨 Control Panel : KVM
🔧 Category : DNS, Fully Managed
🔋 RAM : 4096 MB
💪 CPU : 1 x 2.7 GHz
🔌 Hosted domains : Unlimited
📌 Dedicated IPs : 1

screenshot of VPS-L4 from rdkrevenue.pwProcessor : 1 x 2.7 GHz
RAM : 4096MB
Disk space: 40GB
Monthly bandwidth:3800 GB Bandwidth
Dedicated IPs : 1
Uptime 99.99
( Access Level : Root / Reseller depending on Server [...]
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/vps-server-usa/
$13.60/mo.40 GB SSD3,800 GB 4 GB / 1
VPS-L8 features💳 Payment Methods : PayPal
🔨 Control Panel : KVM
🔧 Category : DNS, Fully Managed
🔋 RAM : 8192 MB
💪 CPU : 2 x 2.7 GHz
📌 Dedicated IPs : 1

screenshot of VPS-L8 from rdkrevenue.pwProcessor : 2x 2.7 GHz
RAM : 8192MB
Disk space: 80GB
Monthly bandwidth:7800 GB Bandwidth
Dedicated IPs : 1
Uptime 99.99
( Access Level : Root / Reseller depending on Server [...]
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/vps-server-usa/
$18.56/mo.80 GB SSD7,800 GB 8 GB / 1
VPS-L16 features💳 Payment Methods : PayPal
🔨 Control Panel : KVM
🔧 Category : DNS, Fully Managed
🔋 RAM : 16384 MB
💪 CPU : 4 x 2.7 GHz
📌 Dedicated IPs : 1

screenshot of VPS-L16 from rdkrevenue.pwProcessor : 2x 2.7 GHz
RAM : 16384MB
Disk space: 160GB
Monthly bandwidth:15900 GB Bandwidth
Dedicated IPs : 1
Uptime 99.99
( Access Level : Root / Reseller depending on Server [...]
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/vps-server-usa/
$29.47/mo.160 GB SSD15,900 GB 16 GB / 1
🔧 VPS - 💻 Windows Keep mouse
over features!
💰Price💿 Disk space 📶 Transfer 📆 Updated🔋 RAM /
📌 Dedicated IPs
VPS-W2 features💳 Payment Methods : PayPal
🔨 Control Panel : KVM
🔧 Category : DNS, Fully Managed
🔋 RAM : 2048 MB
💪 CPU : 1 x 2.7 GHz
📌 Dedicated IPs : 1

screenshot of VPS-W2 from rdkrevenue.pwProcessor : 1x 2.7 GHz
RAM : 2048 MB
Disk space: 20GB
Monthly bandwidth:1800 GB Bandwidth
Dedicated IPs : 1
Uptime 99.99
( Access Level : Root / Reseller depending on Server [...]
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/kvm-windows/
$15.99/mo.20 GB SSD1,800 GB 2 GB / 1
VPS-W4 features💳 Payment Methods : PayPal
🔨 Control Panel : KVM
🔧 Category : DNS, Fully Managed
🔋 RAM : 4096 MB
💪 CPU : 1 x 2.7 GHz
📌 Dedicated IPs : 1

screenshot of VPS-W4 from rdkrevenue.pwProcessor : 1x 2.7 GHz
RAM : 4096MB
Disk space: 40GB
Monthly bandwidth:3800 GB Bandwidth
Dedicated IPs : 1
Uptime 99.99
( Access Level : Root / Reseller depending on Server [...]
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/kvm-windows/
$25.99/mo.40 GB SSD3,800 GB 4 GB / 1
VPS-W8 features💳 Payment Methods : PayPal
🔨 Control Panel : KVM
🔧 Category : DNS, Fully Managed
🔋 RAM : 8192 MB
💪 CPU : 2 x 2.7 GHz
📌 Dedicated IPs : 1

screenshot of VPS-W8 from rdkrevenue.pw
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/kvm-windows/
$40.99/mo.80 GB SSD7,800 GB 8 GB / 1
VPS-W16 features💳 Payment Methods : PayPal
🔨 Control Panel : KVM
🔧 Category : DNS, Fully Managed
🔋 RAM : 16384 MB
💪 CPU : 2 x 2.7 GHz
📌 Dedicated IPs : 1

screenshot of VPS-W16 from rdkrevenue.pw
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/kvm-windows/
$71.99/mo.160 GB SSD15,900 GB 16 GB / 1
🔧 VPS - 💻 Linux/Windows Keep mouse
over features!
💰Price💿 Disk space 📶 Transfer 📆 Updated🔋 RAM /
📌 Dedicated IPs
Sri Lanka VPS features💳 Payment Methods : Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards
🔋 RAM : 4024 MB
💪 CPU : 2vCPU
🔌 Hosted domains : Unlimited
🆓 Free domains : 0
📌 Dedicated IPs : 1

screenshot of Sri Lanka VPS from rdkrevenue.pw2vCPU
40GB Disk
40Mbps shared Internet port
OS Linux
🔗 Plan URL : https://dash288.rdkrevenue.pw/index.php?rp=/store/dedicated-server-sri-lanka
$82.99/mo.40 GB SSD40 TB 4024 MB / 1
🔧 Domains Keep mouse
over features!
💰Price 📆 Updated
.COM features💳 Payment Methods : Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards, PayPal

screenshot of .COM from rdkrevenue.pwChoose Your Perfect Domain Name For Your Business.
.com $11.15
.info $5.19
.biz $5.84
.net $13.65
.org $10.39
.club $11.69
.io $58.50
.me $10.39
.mobi $6.49
.online $9.09
.online $9.09
.site $7.79
.vip $5.58
.xyz $1.29
.icu $2.59 [...]
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/domain/
🔧 SSL Certificates Keep mouse
over features!
💰Price 📆 Updated🔐 Domains protected
POSITIVE SSL features💳 Payment Methods : PayPal
🔐 Domains protected : 1

screenshot of POSITIVE SSL from rdkrevenue.pwSingle Domain
1-5 Year Period
$50,000 SSL Warranty
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Free 24/7/365 expert support in multiple languages
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/ssl-certificate/
$8.99/yr. 1
POSITIVESSL WILDCARD features💳 Payment Methods : PayPal
🔐 Domains protected : 1

screenshot of POSITIVESSL WILDCARD from rdkrevenue.pwSingle Domain and All Sub-Domains
1-5 Years Term
$250,000 SSL Warranty
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Free 24/7/365 expert support in multiple languages
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/ssl-certificate/
$65.99/yr. 1
POSITIVESSL MULTI-DOMAIN features💳 Payment Methods : PayPal
🔐 Domains protected : Unlimited

screenshot of POSITIVESSL MULTI-DOMAIN from rdkrevenue.pwMultiple Domains
1-5 Year Period
$1,000,000 SSL Warranty
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Free 24/7/365 expert support in multiple languages
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/ssl-certificate/
$89.99/yr. all subdomains
POSITIVE EV SSL features💳 Payment Methods : PayPal
🔐 Domains protected : Unlimited

screenshot of POSITIVE EV SSL from rdkrevenue.pwSingle Domain with the Highest Level of Trust and Security
1-5 Year Period
$1,000,000 SSL Warranty
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Free 24/7/365 expert support in multiple languages
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/ssl-certificate/
$89.99/yr. all subdomains
🔧 VPN Keep mouse
over features!
💰Price 📆 Updated🔌 Connected devices
Cheap VPN features💳 Payment Methods : Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards, PayPal
🔧 Category : Backup, Website Builder, File Sharing
🔌 Connected devices : Unlimited

screenshot of Cheap VPN from rdkrevenue.pw53 global locations
Unlimited download
Openvpn UDP/TCP, IKEv2, L2TP/IPsec, PPTP
10 Devices per account
No logs
P2P allowed
1 & 10 Gbps port servers
🔗 Plan URL : https://rdkrevenue.pw/cheap-vpn/
$4.99/mo.unmetered unlimited

Contact information is managed by rdkrevenue.pw representatives muneef@r..., admin@r..., support@r..., sales@r..., contact@r..., info@r..., webmaster@r... [login]

Claim this business

📊 Web stats

📂 Details for https://rdkrevenue.pw/
📥 Website DNS: lisa.ns.cloudflare.com => ( San Francisco ) / CloudFlare Inc. - cloudflare.com
guss.ns.cloudflare.com => ( San Francisco ) / CloudFlare Inc. - cloudflare.com
ptr => :
MX::rdkrevenue-pw.mail.protection.outlook.com => ( Hong Kong ) / Microsoft Corporation - microsoft.com
📌 Website FIRST IP:
📍 IP localization: United States, Indiana, Francisco - see top providers in United States, Indiana
🔗 ISP Name, URL: CloudFlare Inc., cloudflare.com
📌 Website Extra IPs: ( Francisco, Indiana ) CloudFlare Inc. - cloudflare.com

✅ Customer testimonials

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This form is used exclusively for positive feedback, for a regular review click here

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One Hosted domain name with this company
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📋 Rdk Revenue News / Press release

How Do I Create Email Accounts in cPanel? - By default, you have no email account set up. The main username may look like it is set up as an email, but you will need to add it as an email account if you wish to use it.
To create an email account:
Log in to cPanel.
Look for the Email section, then click Email Accounts.
Click the + Create button located on the right-hand side.Email Accounts - Create button
Enter the required details to create a new email account on the next page
Domain: Select the domain where you wish to create the new [...]
Changing the Default Currency - WHMCS - WHMCS has a multi-currency system that allows clients to choose from one or more currencies. On a new installation, the system default currency is USD. If you have not generated any invoice or transaction data yet, you can change this.
To do this:
1. Go to Configuration > Setup Wizard (Help > Setup Wizard prior to WHMCS 8.0).
2. Click Next to proceed to the step 1 of the wizard.
3. Select the desired country. WHMCS will attempt to assign the currency of this country.
If you haven’t [...]
DDoS Protection - The term DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack refers to the overloading of a server or a service, which is the goal of the attack, by sending a high amount of – often useless – requests, so that the server or the service is not able to fullfil its regular tasks anymore. The server or service is proverbially “blown away”, it is not possible to reach it anymore via the Internet, for as long as the attack continues.
Unfortunately, DDoS attacks are gradually becoming a more common [...]
[search all rdkrevenue.pw news]

📣 Rdk Revenue Social Networks

Rdk Revenue Blog  Using Wordpress version 6.7.1. First post from August, 2021, with total 36 articles, Language en-US. See recent blogs summary posts:
- Exploring the Comprehensive Services of Firstbase.io - Exploring the Comprehensive Services of Firstbase.io In today's digital landscape, establishing and managing a business can be challenging. Entrepreneurs and startups often face hurdles related...
- DesignRush: Connecting Businesses with Top Agencies - Introduction Founded in 2017, DesignRush is a B2B marketplace that connects businesses with professional agencies. Led by digital agency expert Gianluca Ferruggia, DesignRush has grown into...
- Exploring the Future of Business Formation with Firstbase.io - In today's fast-paced digital landscape, starting a business has become more accessible than ever before. One company at the forefront of this revolution is Firstbase.io,...

Reviews👪 Rdk Revenue Customer Ratings

The quick stats of Rdk Revenue profile shows a note average of 10.0 out of 10, counting 2 opinions. (few listed on the top of the page)
As visitor you can rate this provider directly here! If you are part of support team, you can respond to these reviews by going to login

Add your own review [Toggle to basic/advanced form]

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Summary of your posteg. rdkrevenue.pw is best!
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Provide as much information as possible in your review! Too less information may be counted as not relevant and not approved!
Some customers might say good things like: "i'm happy with RdkRevenue" or bad things and complaints like: "this company sucks", or "is horrible", "rdkrevenue.pw generated only problems", "scam or ripoff provider", but is your turn now to share your experience!
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-anonymous- (bussinessdrop@g...) / smss.lk
⏳ Time Hosted: 3 to 6 months
Global rating
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    SriLanka Hosting
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    Promo Hosts
    promohosts.com logo
    🏆 Semrush 7,380,503
    👤 User Rating 👉 Total Reviews: 17
    🙌 Average Rating: 7.5 / 10
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    👈 Official Responses: 7
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    provider.lk logo
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