Average 3 out of 10
Total reviews: 1
Recommended by: 0
Opposed: 1
Official responses: 0

Inmics Nebula Review 2024. Is good web hosting in Finland?

1 user review; 0 support responses; 0 testimonials; 9 products, 0 promotions, 4 social accounts; 16,522 hosted domains, Alexa #1230267; 📆 listed 2007 (#4851)
Inmics Nebula
Heikkiläntie 2
Helsinki 00210
☎ Phone 09 6818 3820

Website language(s): fi-FI is inactive webhosting company!
🏆 Alexa Rating 1,230,267 👤 User Rating 🙌 Average 3 out of 10
👉 Total reviews: 1
👍 Recommended by: 0
👎 Opposed: 1
🤝 Official responses: 0

💰 Price Range € 0.00 - € 81.30⏰ Support 24x7
🏆 SEO MOZ Authority 41/39🔗 Links 37,110
Profile completion status:
Things done
Company address location is complete
Company phone/fax is added
Company Twitter and Facebook accounts are added
Forum, Blog/Announcements, Knowledgebase or FAQ URLs are added
Products (plans) are added, but some are not updated from over 2 years
Note: Add a promotion or coupon

Things to do
Company descriptions is too short. Minimum 500 chars
"About page" URL or "Contact page" URLs are missing
Listed and verified since 2007 logo

📄 Overview

🔃 Inmics Nebula is part of Telia
🔧 Services: Web HostingDomain Registration
⇔ Redirected domains:

📜 About Inmics Nebula

Redirected to as of 2024

Nebula is a Finnish ICT firm, whose services allow its customers to a secure and reliable IT environment. We understand that your business is unique, because our services have been created to enhance and bring new opportunities for your business. Your company's line of business, and, irrespective of the size of the comprehensive range of services offers you the chance to ICT functions, efficiency, reliability and availability improvement.

🌏 Server locations:

Helsinki London
Datacenter locations for screenshot
Website research for Inmics Nebula on February 16, 2024 by WebHostingTop

🎁 Inmics Nebula Promotions

There is no coupon code or promotion listed.

Inmics Nebula Listed Plans

🔧 Virtual Dedicated - 💻 Linux Keep mouse
over features!
💰Price💿 Disk space 📶 Transfer 📆 Updated🆓 Free domain /
🔌 Allowed
Webhotel Pro featuresscreenshot of Webhotel Pro from inmicsnebula.fiWebhotel Pro on suunniteltu tavanomaisten ja kevyiden verkkosivujen ylläpitoon. Palvelu sopii erinomaisesti aloitteleville pienille yrityksille sekä yhdistyksille. Palvelu soveltuu myös useimpien sisällönhallintajärjestelmien alustaksi.
🔗 Plan URL :
11.86/mo.25 GB200 GB
WordPress webhotel palveluna featuresscreenshot of WordPress webhotel palveluna from inmicsnebula.fiTarvitsetko kodin blogillesi tai verkkosivuillesi? WordPress palveluna on paketti sinua varten. WordPress on yksi maailman suosituimmista blogialustoista, blogin ylläpito ei voisi olla helpompaa. Kaiken lisäksi WordPress sopii esimerkiksi myös [...]
🔗 Plan URL :
19.52/mo.25 GBunmetered
Drupal webhotel palveluna featuresscreenshot of Drupal webhotel palveluna from inmicsnebula.fiTarvitsetko kodin verkkosivuillesi? Drupal palveluna on paketti sinua varten. Drupal on yksi maailman suosituimmista sisällönhallintajärjestelmistä. Se takaa monipuoliset ja helposti ylläpidettävät sivustot!
🔗 Plan URL :
19.52/mo.25 GBunmetered
Webhotel Advanced featuresscreenshot of Webhotel Advanced from inmicsnebula.fiWebhotel Advanced on suunniteltu vaativamman verkkosivuston, esimerkiksi pienen verkkokaupan ylläpitoon, joka on kävijämäärältään astetta tavanomaista verkkosivua vilkkaampi
🔗 Plan URL :
40.65/mo.50 GB300 GB
Webhotel Exclusive featuresscreenshot of Webhotel Exclusive from inmicsnebula.fiWebhotel Exclusive on suunniteltu tavanomaista laajempien, raskaiden, kävijämäärältään vilkkaiden ja tietoturvaltaan vaativien verkkosivujen ylläpitoon. Palvelu tarjoaa Nebulan tehokkaimman webhotellialustan, jossa liikennöinti- tai [...]
🔗 Plan URL :
81.30/mo.100 GB500 GB
🔧 Virtual Dedicated - 💻 Windows Keep mouse
over features!
💰Price💿 Disk space 📶 Transfer 📆 Updated🆓 Free domain /
🔌 Allowed
Webhotel Windows featuresscreenshot of Webhotel Windows from inmicsnebula.fiPalvelu sisältää kaksi gigatavua levytilaa, jota voit käyttää mm. websivujesi tallettamiseen. Omien tuotantopalvelimiemme toimintaa valvotaan ympäri vuorokauden ja asiakaspalvelumme auttaa ongelmissa veloituksetta sähköpostitse ja puhelimitse.
🔗 Plan URL :
12.20/mo.2 GB50 GB
🔧 Exchange - 💻 Windows Keep mouse
over features!
💰Price💿 Disk space 📶 Transfer 📆 Updated🆓 Free domain /
🔌 Allowed
Hosted Exchange featuresscreenshot of Hosted Exchange from inmicsnebula.fiNykyaikainen, turvallinen ja kaikkialta maailmasta käytettävissä oleva sähköpostiratkaisu yrityksesi tarpeisiin, Microsoft Exchange tarjoaa korvaamattomat työvälineet käyttöösi varmasti, turvallisesti ja täydellä ylläpidolla.
🔗 Plan URL :
5.10/mo.100 GBunmetered
🔧 Cloud Keep mouse
over features!
💰Price💿 Disk space 📶 Transfer 📆 Updated🔋 RAM /
📌 Dedicated IPs
Nebula Pilvi Free Tier featuresscreenshot of Nebula Pilvi Free Tier from inmicsnebula.fiOpenStack-teknologiaan perustuva kotimainen Nebula Pilvi 9.0 on oma pilviekosysteeminsä. Skaalautuvuus, helppo käyttöönotto ja laajat toiminnallisuudet tekevät ratkaisusta seuraavan sukupolven pilviratkaisun. Kokeile palvelua ilmaiseksi!
🔗 Plan URL :
🔧 Domains Keep mouse
over features!
💰Price 📆 Updated
Verkkotunnukset featuresscreenshot of Verkkotunnukset from inmicsnebula.fiVerkkotunnus eli domain vaatii toimiakseen ylläpitopalvelun. Edullisin ylläpitopalvelumme on Nimipalvelu, joka on saatavilla myös olemassa oleviin, aiemmin rekisteröityihin verkkotunnuksiin, jolloin siirrämme tarvittaessa puolestasi verkkotunnuksen [...]
🔗 Plan URL :

📊 Web stats

Targeting: Finland
📂 Details for
📥 Website DNS: => ( Dublin ) / Microsoft Corporation - => ( Helsinki ) / Telia Cygate Oy - => ( Helsinki ) / Telia Cygate Oy -
📌 Website IP:
📍 IP localization: Finland, Etela-karjala, Lappeenranta - see top providers in Suomi
🔗 ISP Name, URL: Google LLC,

✅ Customer testimonials

There are no user testimonials listed.

📋 Inmics Nebula News / Press release

There are no news written in en language

📣 Inmics Nebula Social Networks
Nebula Oy (established 1997) is a Privately Held entity having 2119 followers on LinkedIn and 51-200 employees, industry Information Technology & Services.  (RSS error) Blog added on February, 2013, with total 11 articles, Language fi. Latest post on

📈 Domains trend

Inmics Nebula Domain trend

Reviews👪 Inmics Nebula Customer Ratings

The quick stats of Inmics Nebula profile shows a note average of 3.0 out of 10, counting 1 opinion.
As visitor you can rate this provider directly here! This company may be out of web hosting business!

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Summary of your posteg. is best!
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Provide as much information as possible in your review! Too less information may be counted as not relevant and not approved!
Some customers might say good things like: "i'm happy with InmicsNebula" or bad things and complaints like: "this company sucks", or "is horrible", " generated only problems", "scam or ripoff provider", but is your turn now to share your experience!
How much is 4 + 3 ? Respond with 7
vadim (info@d...)
⏳ Time Hosted: over 3 years
Global rating
Customer Relation
Control Panel
😞 Very expensive and low level of customer support. All u need to do via e-mail or phone calls !

🔝 Alternate top web hosting companies in Finland

  • Profile completion status:
    Things done
    Company descriptions is fine
    Company address location is complete
    Company phone/fax is added
    "About page" URL or "Contact page" URLs are added
    Products (plans) are added, but some are not updated from over 2 years
    Note: Add a promotion or coupon

    Things to do
    Twitter and Facebook accounts are missing
    Forum, Blog/Announcements, Knowledgebase or FAQ URLs are missing
    Creanova logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 390,476
    👤 User Rating 👉 Total Reviews: 4
    🙌 Average Rating: 5.3 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 2
    👎 Bad Reviews: 2
    👈 Official Responses: 0
  • Profile completion status:
    Things done
    Note: Company descriptions is short. Recommended 1000 chars
    Company address location is complete
    Company phone/fax is added
    Company Twitter and Facebook accounts are added
    "About page" URL or "Contact page" URLs are added
    Forum, Blog/Announcements, Knowledgebase or FAQ URLs are added
    Products (plans) are added, but some are not updated from over 2 years
    Note: Add a promotion or coupon

    100% logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 442,464
  • Profile completion status:
    Things done
    Company address location is complete
    Company phone/fax is added
    Company Twitter and Facebook accounts are added
    "About page" URL or "Contact page" URLs are added
    Products (plans) are added, but some are not updated from over 2 years
    Note: Add a promotion or coupon

    Things to do
    Company descriptions is too short. Minimum 500 chars
    Forum, Blog/Announcements, Knowledgebase or FAQ URLs are missing
    Hosting Palvelu logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 466,538
  • Profile completion status:
    Things done
    Note: Company descriptions is short. Recommended 1000 chars
    Company address location is complete
    Company phone/fax is added
    Company Twitter and Facebook accounts are added
    "About page" URL or "Contact page" URLs are added
    Forum, Blog/Announcements, Knowledgebase or FAQ URLs are added
    Products (plans) are added, but some are not updated from over 2 years
    Note: Add a promotion or coupon

    100% logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 698,703

📉 Compare to best hosting brands from Finland

These Inmics Nebula customer review(s) and ranks are the subjective opinion of our visitors and not of staff.
Trademarks, logos & names are properties of their respective owners and protected by law.