SME, € 12.00/mo. on Linux Shared
SME has been added on Sep 24, 2022
Unit 8, Hollyhill Industrial Estate
Hollyhill , CO T23 R68N IE
☎ Phone +353 21 234 9900
📧 info@b...🔌 Hosted domains : | unlimited |
🆓 free domains : | 0 |
📌 Dedicated IPs : | 0 |
💳 Payment Methods : | Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards |
✍️ Support Options : | EmailHelp DeskPhone / Toll-Free |
🌏 Server Locations : | Ireland |
See also initial SME plan location on their website!
📜 Plan description
Spam Filtering – File or delete junk mail, keeping it out of your Inbox.
PHP – Install other apps written in the popular PHP language, or write your own.
Perl – Install other apps written in Perl, or write your own.
SSI – Include elements on your pages automatically.
SSL – Secure your website, to take orders or collect private data.
Stats: AWStats & Webalizer allow you to see how your site is performing.
PHP – Install other apps written in the popular PHP language, or write your own.
Perl – Install other apps written in Perl, or write your own.
SSI – Include elements on your pages automatically.
SSL – Secure your website, to take orders or collect private data.
Stats: AWStats & Webalizer allow you to see how your site is performing.
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- Blacknight🏆 Alexa Rating119,862 ▼👤 User Rating 👉 Total Reviews: 4
🙌 Average Rating: 1 / 10
👍 Good Reviews: 0
👎 Bad Reviews: 4
👈 Official Responses: 0- 💡 Plan: Medius
- 🔧 Category: Shared Hosting
- 💻 OS Type: Linux/Windows
- 💰 Price: € 8.95/mo. VAT exc
- 💿 Disk Space: 20 GB
- 📶 Traffic bandwidth: 400 GB
- 💲 Setup Fee: free
- 📅 Added:
- 📆 Updated:
- 🌏 Server in:
- Aggregate Rating (1 out of 10 from 1 reviews)
PHP 5.3.x Linux Windows
PHP 5.4.x Linux
PHP 5.5.x Linux
PHP 5.6.x Linux Windows
PHP 7.0.x Linux
ASP / ASP.NET / MVC 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 Windows .NET [...] - 💡 Plan: Bronze Monthly
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- 💻 OS Type: Linux
- 💰 Price: € 7.31/mo.
- 💿 Disk Space: 10 GB
- 📶 Traffic bandwidth: 50 GB
- 💲 Setup Fee: free
- 📅 Added:
- 🌏 Server in:
50 Email Accounts
50GB Monthly Bandwidth
10GB Of Fast SSD Storage
FREE SSL/Secure Certificate
Host Up To 5 Domain Names
One Click Script Installs
FREE Daily Offsite Backups- Blacknight🏆 Alexa Rating119,862 ▼👤 User Rating 👉 Total Reviews: 4
🙌 Average Rating: 1 / 10
👍 Good Reviews: 0
👎 Bad Reviews: 4
👈 Official Responses: 0- 💡 Plan: Maximus
- 🔧 Category: Shared Hosting
- 💻 OS Type: Linux/Windows
- 💰 Price: € 14.95/mo. VAT exc
- 💿 Disk Space: 30 GB
- 📶 Traffic bandwidth: 600 GB
- 💲 Setup Fee: free
- 📅 Added:
- 📆 Updated:
- 🌏 Server in:
- Aggregate Rating (1 out of 10 from 4 reviews)
PHP 5.3.x Linux Windows
PHP 5.4.x Linux
PHP 5.5.x Linux
PHP 5.6.x Linux Windows
PHP 7.0.x Linux
ASP / ASP.NET / MVC 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 Windows .NET 2.0 / 3.5 / 4.5 [...] - 💡 Plan: Platinum
- 🔧 Category: Shared Hosting
- 💻 OS Type: Linux
- 💰 Price: € 15.00/mo. VAT 23% inc
- 💿 Disk Space: 100 GB
- 📶 Traffic bandwidth: 500 GB
- 💲 Setup Fee: free
- 📅 Added:
- 📆 Updated:
- 🌏 Server in: