kwi 5, 2012 : Open-Xchange Partners with NetArt logo📅 - NetArt will replace its webmail with Open-Xchange and offer cloud collaboration to more than 500,000 users.

Open-Xchange ( ), a provider of open source collaboration software, today announced an agreement with NetArt, a provider of domain name registration and web hosting services, to bring cloud-based communication and collaboration to more than 500,000 users.

According to the company, NetArt will be offering Open-Xchange webmail on its service, At no additional charge, customers will get modern, easy-to-use integrated email, calendar and contact management. This cloud-based application can be accessed with a standard web browser (without installing software) and a PC, iPad or smartphone. Later this year, customers will be able to upgrade easily from webmail to take advantage of more advanced collaboration features and mobility support in Open-Xchange. Personal contacts from social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn or Xing can be easily added to the Open-Xchange address book. By deploying the Open-Xchange in-application upsell mechanism, customers of NetArt's standard hosting packages will be able to easily upgrade to premium features such as advanced sharing and document management functions.

It articulates that Open-Xchange is a messaging and collaboration cloud suite providing a seamless user experience across platforms and devices, as well as across social and business networks. Open-Xchange integrates email, calendar, contact and task management with advanced collaboration features such as information management and document sharing, along with cutting-edge social network integration. By adding Open-Xchange mobility capabilities, users can receive push email and synchronization of contacts, calendar and other information from their Open-Xchange account to their smartphones, including iPhone, Android-based devices, Nokia and Windows Phone.

"Communication and collaboration are leading the way for the adoption of cloud applications with small business owners and private users," said Rafael Laguna, CEO of Open-Xchange. "As email and shared webhosting become a commodity, communication services and business applications based on Open-Xchange are great opportunities for hosters to provide customers with value-added services."

"Poland is a fast-growing market with thousands of small businesses seeking to leverage the benefits of cloud applications," said Piotr Zembura, member of the Board and Development Director of NetArt. "As email, calendars and address management are key for our customers, Open-Xchange is the right starting point for NetArt to further develop our SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) business." Odczytów: 2012 | Kategoria: General | Źródło:
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