wrz, 2001 : FutureRange Launches Web Integration Product

📅 - Server computing firm FutureRange (http://www.futurerange.ie) today unveiled its NFuse product to customers at a seminar held in the Camden Court Hotel in Dublin, Ireland.

At the launch, Tom Haugh, managing director of FutureRange, presented NFuse,a Citrix-developed application portal that enables applications running on aMetaFrame server farm to be 'published' onto a Web page. This is first timethat end users can access and subscribe to interactive applications andcontent through a standard web browser.
"Previously, companies have spent literally millions of pounds to 'Webenable' their applications," Haugh said. "Using NFuse, these sameapplications can be 'Webifyied' immediately and without costly andlabour-intensive coding."
NFuse lets IT managers instantly integrate interactive applications into anystandard Web browser, personalize applications and content by user, andprovide more control with centralized deployment.
"This functionality is available for the first time for existing legacyapplications," explains Haugh. "Once the application - be it accounting,order management or scheduling - resides on a Citrix architecture, it can beaccessed by people in other offices or on the road, through a browser.
NFuse enables administrators to quickly and easily "publish" access to newor updated applications and personalized content without downloadingapplication software. NFuse greatly enhances the end-user experience byproviding seamless access to applications through a Web browser, regardlessof network connection or user location. For Application Service Providers,NFuse represents the cornerstone technology for the market's next phase -the evolution from hosting applications to delivering personalized "virtualworkplaces." Through an ASP utilizing NFuse, companies can create anapplication portal with personalized access to aggregated content andapplications from various ASPs.

Odczytów: 1576 | Kategoria: General | Źródło: TheWHIR : Web Host Industry Reviews

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