Join ITC, Google and CI&T for the WVEF Tech Challenge to help [...]

Join ITC, Google and CI&T for the WVEF Tech Challenge to help women entrepreneurs trade more globally

📅 - The International Trade Centre (ITC), Google, and CI&T have launched the WVEF Tech Challenge 2015, calling on software developers and other IT and graphic specialists to help create a digital platform for women-owned businesses (WOBs) across the world.

The Tech Challenge forms part of this year's Women Vendors' Forum and Exhibition (WVEF) – ITC's annual event connecting WOBs to markets – to be held in São Paulo, Brazil, from 2-3 September in partnership with Apex-Brasil, and a call to action to help 1 million WOBs enter international markets by 2020.

With the WVEF Tech Challenge, ITC, Google and CI&T want ideas to develop a digital tool that can help corporations include more women-owned businesses – especially from developing countries – in their supply chains. The Tech Challenge will result in a web or a mobile application on which women-owned enterprises can register their businesses to increase their visibility to potential partners across the world.

Everyone – from software programmers and developers involved to IT architects and graphic designers – are invited to join the challenge (in teams of maximum 3 people) and register between now and 31 July 2015 to create a future in which women-owned businesses can participate equally in the global marketplace.

The applying companies and participants must have experience with mobile and web development, a good understanding of Google tools and Android OS, experience with social-media APIs and web services, and knowledge about business culture. Up to five finalists will be invited on an all-expense paid trip to São Paulo in September where they will present their ideas and a winner will be announced during WVEF.

The WVEF Tech Challenge is designed to address the need among multinationals and larger enterprises to engage with companies owned by women. However, WOBs are difficult to locate and identify. The WVEF Tech Challenge therefore wants your help to solve this issue in a creative and innovative way.

For further details on the Tech Challenge and to sign up, please visit:

Legge: 883 | Categoria: General | Fonte: TheHN : The Hosting News

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