DotPhoto Hosts Free Online Photo Gallery To Help ID Missing Persons

📅 - In an effort to assist those with loved ones that are missing during times of intense recovery and rescue activities in New York City and Washington D.C., dotPhoto, Inc. (, a leading online photo-sharing and digital photography Internet resource, is hosting still photos of victims of missing persons on its Web site at no cost.

Among those still missing family members, there are unanswered questions anddisappearing hopes. Thousands more people are expected to be located as thesearch and rescue mission continues. "We hope that our service may allow aphoto to speak for people who can not speak for themselves. An onlinedatabase may also help individuals outside of New York and Washington D.C.contribute information to searchers and medical professionals in thosecities," says Glenn Paul, co-founder and CEO of dotPhoto, Inc.
dotPhoto is encouraging those with photos of missing persons to upload themthrough the main dotPhoto Web page at dotPhoto's hasenabled a search button for "missing person" that will find any photo thatincludes the phrase "missing person" in the caption or photo description.Users can also add voice files and detailed biographical information attheir option.
This will assist officials in identifying survivors and casualties of theattack sites. To satisfy family needs for multiple copies of the uploadedphoto, family members are encouraged to print copies of the photo on theircomputer printers from the dotPhoto page. Other Web sites can also link tophoto management pages at dotPhoto.
"The Internet continues to emerge as the most efficient medium for image andinformation exchange. To that end, we hope that dotPhoto can help unitepeople faster with their loved ones," continues Paul. "Many phone numbers inNew York are overwhelmed; perhaps our tool can be a better clearing housefor this kind of information."
For those looking for information on people still missing, police andhospital officials have provided an emergency phone number to call212-447-2998.

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