WebCare360 E3-1220 | E3-1230, € 109,00/bln. pada Hosting Khusus

E3-1220 | E3-1230 telah ditambahkan pada
Bird Rock Commercial Dev Box
Bas Stk 1090
☎ Telepon 787-493-5099
  • 💡 Nama paket: E3-1220 | E3-1230 (sku #p121490)
  • 🔧 Kategori: Hosting Khusus / Linux
  • 💰 Harga: 109,00/bln.
  • 💿 Ruang Disk: 1000 GB
  • 📶 Bandwidth lalu lintas: tidak terukur
  • 💲 Biaya Pengaturan: gratis
💪 CPU / Cores :E3-1220 @ 3.10GHz
🔋 RAM :8000 MB
🔌 Domain yang diinangi :tanpa batas
🆓 domain gratis :0
📌 IP khusus :1
💳 Metode Pembayaran :Kartu Kredit / Debit / Prabayar
✍️ Opsi Dukungan :EmailBantuanTelepon / Bebas PulsaMengobrol LangsungTersedia 24/7
🌏 Lokasi Server :Ukraina Britania Raya Amerika Serikat
tangkapan layar E3-1220 | E3-1230 dari webcare360.com

Lihat juga inisial E3-1220 | E3-1230 rencanakan lokasi di situs web mereka!

📜 Deskripsi

Blazing Fast Network
Our direct connection to top IP-Transit suppliers ensuring minimal data transmission latency in Europe, Asia and America. We offer an excellent network uptime and performance because of our geniously designed network.

Full Root Access
For total server control, all dedicated hosting customers are given full root access (via sudo) to their dedicated server. You will also be able to manage and control your server via dedicated IPMI/iLO access.

Fully Customizable
With our Offshore Dedicated Server hosting, we provide you a complete freedom to customize your server as per your desire. So, just let us know your requirement and we will provide you a customized solution.