feb, 2020 : TurnKey Internet Launches 10G Dedicated Servers

turnkeyinternet.net logo📅 - TurnKey Internet, an IaaS hosting provider founded in 1999, with data centers in New York, Pennsylvania, Colorado, and California, has launched their all-new 10G Cloud and Dedicated Servers. The newly launched 10G servers were built from the ground up with "ultra-performance" at the core, targeting business and enterprise users.
Tags: Dedicated Hosting News 100G Juniper network 10G Adam Wills cisco cloud cloud hosting cloud servers dedicated hosting dedicated servers developers iaas hosting Network Speed turnkey internet web masters

turnkeyinternet.net Lee: 1403 | Categoría: General | Fuente: Hosting Jurnalist : Hosting Jurnalist | Autor: Editor Hosting Journalist
Fuente de URL: https://hostingjournalist.com/dedicated-hosting/turnkey-internet-launches-10g-dedicated-servers/

Empresa: Turnkey internet

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