oct, 2009 : arsys.es Introduces Hybrid Exchange Email Platform

arsys.es logo📅 - Allows companies to reduce electronic communications costs without sacrificing mobility and collaboration features of Exchange.

arsys.es, a provider of internet services, today announced that it is now offering a Hybrid Exchange Email Platform, an advanced email platform that allows customers to have POP3/IMAP email and Exchange accounts under the same domain name. The company states that it is one of the first in Europe to offer a Hybrid Exchange Email Platform. The new platform allows companies to reduce electronic communications costs without sacrificing the mobility and collaboration features of Exchange.

It articulates that until now, businesses had to choose between hosted Exchange and the traditional and more economical POP3/IMAP accounts, because both platforms were not compatible under the same domain name. This incompatibility increased the communications costs in many companies, who were being forced to adopt Exchange for all corporate email accounts or opt for a secondary domain name, claims the company.

The company further explains that from now on, its Hybrid Exchange Email Platform will allow these technologies to be operative under the same domain name, fitting the business needs or budget of every company. The platform also allows going back and forth between POP/IMAP and Exchange platforms, depending on the mobility needs of the employees. This way, companies will have the flexibility to customize their email accounts, taking advantage of the collaboration features of Exchange, like shared documents, calendars and contact lists, and staying connected to email and corporate data, when needed.

"In most companies there are mobile users, who travel and need to consult their email and agenda constantly, and other users who remain in the office. This new platform allows both users to have accounts under the same domain name, helping companies to take maximum control of costs and increase productivity," said Fermin Palacios, Business Line Manager of arsys.es.

arsys.es Lee: 2649 | Categoría: General | Fuente: http://www.webhosting.info/news/1/arsys.es-introduces-hybrid-exchange-email-platform_1006096793.htm
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Empresa: Arsys

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