ourtelekom.com.sb 🆚 SATSOL - Apr, 2024

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ourtelekom.com.sb (ourtelekom.com.sb) has been added on 📅 and last updated on 📆 . Trusted and verified by WHTOP on 2021.
SATSOL (satsol.net) has been added on 📅 .

Example of working searches for search field: GoDaddy, godaddy.com, Go daddy or even daddy

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ourtelekom.com.sb logo
Profile completion status:
Things done
Company phone/fax is added
"About page" URL or "Contact page" URLs are added
Products (plans) are added, but some are not updated from over 2 years
Note: Add a promotion or coupon

Things to do
Company descriptions is too short. Minimum 500 chars
Company address is incomplete. Must contain: street, city, zip code and country
Twitter and Facebook accounts are missing
Forum, Blog/Announcements, Knowledgebase or FAQ URLs are missing

satsol.net logo
Profile completion status:
Things done
Note: Company descriptions is short. Recommended 1000 chars
Company phone/fax is added
Note: Add a promotion or coupon

Things to do
Company address is incomplete. Must contain: street, city, zip code and country
Twitter account is missing
"About page" URL or "Contact page" URLs are missing
Forum, Blog/Announcements, Knowledgebase or FAQ URLs are missing
Products (plans) are missing





📧 Emailcustomer-care@t...lickuadora@g...
☎ Phone +677 25169
Ranks🏆 Alexa Rating 7,573,978▲4,949,825 (lower is better)
Alexa Rank in SB 86
🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 28/35🔗 Links 1,699
🏆 Alexa Rating 10,579,676▼-6 (lower is better)
Alexa Rank in US 73
🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 16/27🔗 Links 204
Languages en-USen
📄 InfoSolomon Telekom Company Limited (Our Telekom) is a joint venture company between Solomon Islands National Provident Fund, (SINPF) which holds 97.32% of the shares, and the Investment Corporation of the Solomon Islands (ICSI) which owns 2.68% of the shares. Our Telekom continues to be the leader in community sponsorship and support. Assistance of various forms has reached all sectors including those of Sport, Music, Health, Education, Churches and Communities throughout the Solomon Islands. Read full reviewBroadband Internet (wifi): We provide dedicated Internet connections for your residence, business or organization in Honiara, and affordable Internet solutions for regional/provincial areas in Solomon Islands. We also keep you connected around town through our dedicated SATSOL and Partner Hotspot locations. Analog and Digital TV in Solomon Islands: We provide up to 35 popular channels of Digital TV in three packages depending on your budget or viewing preferences. Programming content includes [...] Read full review
🏁 Site speed--
📣 Social Media
📣 Social Media 
🔃 User Shares
🔧 Shared Hosting - 3/0
💡 Plan NameTelekom Basic [Linux]-
💰 PriceSBD 210.00/mo.
SBD 840.00 Setup Fee
💿 Disk Space2 GB-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
📌 Dedicated IPs0-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel-
🌏 Server LocationSolomon Islands-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Domain Name

2GB storage with CPanel access

3 Email Addresses

All web Hosting Packages include Pre-configured Web Themes.
📅 Date PlanFeb 2021-
💡 Plan NameTelekom Silver [Linux]-
💰 PriceSBD 275.00/mo.
SBD 1,100.00 Setup Fee
💿 Disk Space5 GB-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
📌 Dedicated IPs0-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel-
🌏 Server LocationSolomon Islands-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Domain Name

5GB storage with CPanel access

4 Email Addresses

All web Hosting Packages include Pre-configured Web Themes.
📅 Date PlanFeb 2021-
💡 Plan NameTelekom Gold [Linux]-
💰 PriceSBD 330.00/mo.
SBD 1,320.00 Setup Fee
💿 Disk Space8 GB-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
📌 Dedicated IPs0-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel-
🌏 Server LocationSolomon Islands-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Domain Name

8GB storage with CPanel access

6 Email Addresses

All web Hosting Packages include Pre-configured Web Themes.
📅 Date PlanFeb 2021-
💻 Supported Operating Systems
  • Linux
📤 List of products
  • Shared Hosting
✍️ Support Options
  • Email
  • Help Desk
  • Phone / Toll-Free
  • 0 WHTop support responses
💰 Payment Options
  • Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards