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LWS (lws.fr) has been added on 📅 and last updated on 📆 . Trusted and verified by WHTOP on2016. Ouvaton (ouvaton.coop) has been added on 📅 and last updated on 📆 .
Example of working searches for search field: GoDaddy, godaddy.com, Go daddy or even daddy
Profile completion status: Things done ✓ Company descriptions is fine ✓ Company address location is complete ✓ Company phone/fax is added ✓ Company Twitter and Facebook accounts are added ✓ "About page" URL or "Contact page" URLs are added ✓ Forum, Blog/Announcements, Knowledgebase or FAQ URLs are added ✓ Products (plans) are added, but some are not updated from over 2 years ✓ Promotions are added, but some are not updated from over 2 years
👉 Total Reviews: 1 🙌 Average Rating: 5 / 10 👍 Good Reviews: 1 👎 Bad Reviews: 0 👈 Official Responses: 05 / 10VISIT WEBSITE
Profile completion status: Things done ✓ Company descriptions is fine ✓ Company address location is complete ✓ Company Twitter and Facebook accounts are added ✓ "About page" URL or "Contact page" URLs are added ✓ Forum, Blog/Announcements, Knowledgebase or FAQ URLs are added Note: Add a promotion or coupon
Things to do ✗ Company phone number/fax is missing ✗ Products (plans) are missing
Founded in 1999, Lws is a top French web hosting provider managing over 280,000 domains or websites.
The company offers a wide range of products including: Shared Hosting; VPS Hosting; Dedicated Servers; Cloud Servers; Reseller Hosting Domain Registration; Website Builder; Email Hosting; There is a wide range of packages to choose from, but one good thing Lws does is to try to orient customers on what package of a specific web hosting solution would fit their needs. This might not be a [...]Read full review
Ouvaton welcomes webmasters in their diversity, and especially the multiplicity of contents they put online. Thus, sometimes controversial contents can be expressed without fear of digital censorship. Ouvaton has shown its attachment to the respect of the law without giving in to intimidation, and this in the perspective of the respect of this right of expression. Be hosted in a cooperative With OUVATON, keep control of your data! 3 hosting domains, as many https sites and email addresses on [...]Read full review
📡 Established
🏁 Site speed
Fast, load time 1.7 seconds 57% sites are slower SEO Links count 1,289
Very fast, load time 0.7 seconds 88% sites are slower SEO Links count 148